A Pineapple Enters

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A/N: Haha, I know I say this in every chapter, but this book and chapter is dedicated to OnePiecePuppet! Enjoy...?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

'Okay....I see, a blacksmith, a lot of clothing stores, furniture, several luxury hotels, and holy shit, is that a casino? That thing's fucking huge! If I use the remaining berris I have, it gives me a small chance of getting a much larger amount, but it also puts me at risk of losing it all. Eh....fuck it. Go big or go home. And I really don't want to go home.' I start walking towards a casino. Jesus people are rude here! They keep pushing and shoving me just to clear their way. Dumbasses, they'll only run into more and more people. 

I finally made it to the casino, only a few bruises. I enter and the only things I smell is smoke and liquor. 'Just like dad's breath.' I laugh to myself. I find myself being lured towards the Blackjack table. I took a seat next to a man with a...really weird haircut. It looks like a fucking pineapple! Who get's their hair done like that?!

I must have been staring, because he gave me the weirdest look followed by a smirk. I turn my gaze back to the dealer, a blush of embarrassment creeping onto my cheeks. 'Well fuck.' 

The game started off like usual blackjack. People thinking that they'll be lucky....but end up completely failing and losing everything. Now it's just me and Mr. Pineapple over here. 

"Twenty-One." said the dealer, handing me my stack of chips. I smiled a small but genuine smile. I turned so little into so much...damn I'm good. Suddenly two men in black suits and ties stand next to the dealer. 'Shit, did they figure out that I was counting?' One of them whispered something into the dealers ear and the dealer nodded. The two men walked over to me, linked their arms with mine and dragged me off of my stool. The pineapple guy looked at me astonished. 

"Gah! Get your damn hands off of me." I said as they slowly dragged me away.

"You were counting cards which is against the rules. The dean has to punish you." says one of them, stopping in their tracks. The pineapple guy has a look on his face that I can't describe, but I ignored him and started being myself.

"What is this? The fucking mafia?" I say.

"Yes." one of them replies bluntly.

"Fuck." is all I had to say. 'Why are we still stopped?' I tried to move but then they started dragging me again. 'nope, fuck this. I'm not gonna die here.' I stood up and walked backwards until I managed to trip one of the guys with my foot, and once he fell, the other guy and I fell with him. Their hold loosened on me, and I escaped and stood. I got into my fighting stance as they got into theirs.

"We'll give you one more chance to come with us peacefully."

"Jesus, I didn't even do one of those cool badass moves yet, and you're already only giving me, 'one more chance'. SOOOOO LAME!" I had a pout on my lips, but it quickly turned into a smirk as they both charged towards me at once. I jumped up in the air before they could tackle me and landed on their heads and kicked them down to the floor. 

'Am I really that fat? One of them is already out cold! Man, I need to exercise more!' The other sat on his knees, ready to get up until I kicked him across his face (Levi style from AOT if you have ever seen it), causing his jaw to make a not-so-good popping sound. He fell onto the floor, a bloody mouth, and random teeth everywhere.

"Haha...ha...better get going then....BYE!" I yelled as I ran out of there, slowly pickpocketing every person I happen to run by, including that Mr.Pineapple. I made it back to where my boat is, slightly panting and sweating.

'How in the hell did I find my small ass boat again?! This place is huge! And...AND...WHY DIDN'T I STEAL A BETTER BOAT!?' I was now pissed with myself. I felt around in my pocket and sighed.

"Damn, all those rich bastards had nothing except a few measly berris and some guys watch. Maybe the watch will go for something good." I said to myself...I was deep in thought until a deep 'EHEM' interrupted them. I stood and turned around, seeing Mr.Pineapple himself standing there.

"Shit." I say.

"You know, It isn't nice to steal people's watches-yoi." 'I like the way this man talks!'

"Sorry, but it was so awesome that I couldn't resist-yoi." I say copying him. He smirks and steps a little closer.

I sigh and then say, "Here take the damn watch. I'll go beat a watch out of someone else." I tossed him the shiny watch and he caught it with ease.

"You know, those guys you beat up in the casino were people working directly for the world government, I wouldn't be surprised if they put a bounty on your head-yoi." 

"Eh, I don't care. I hate the government anyways. It's just filled with a bunch of dicks." 'Yep. I know that one for sure.'

"True, true. So, random question time. What do I look like-yoi?"

"A pineapple. Random question time. Why are you still here-yoi?" I said, mimicking his stance and everything.

"I mean who do I look like."

"Mr.Pineapple." A low growl comes from him. I laugh.

"But uh, you kinda remind me of a guy named Marco from Whitebeard's.........crew......holy shit." He had a triumphant smirk plastered on his face.

"So you do know who I am-yoi. Who may you be?"


"Last name?" he asks.

"Not important." I state. 'If I expose my last name....people will know my background and I will be more fucked than a hooker on Valentine's Day. I guess everyone needs a little love though. Haha, right?'

"I see. Well come with me, I have someone I want you to meet-yoi."

"Is this someone Whitebeard?" I asked.

"N-No." 'Caught.'

"Yes it is~! Come on Mr.Pineapple! Don't lie to me~!" I say, approaching him.

"Stop calling me a pineapple (Y/n)-yoi!"

"Correction, I'm calling you Mr.Pineapple." 

"Shut up and come with me-yoi."

"WOAH! You have to buy me dinner first!" His face turns a few shades of red. 'Check and mate.' 

"Haha, KIDDING~! Let's go you pervy pineapple!" I walk behind the pineapple, his blush of embarrassment hasn't even calmed down yet. 'I feel so accomplished. I have a good feeling about this.' 

A/N: Haha, hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Haha! MARCO YOU PERVY PINEAPPLE! :D Hope you enjoyed! TOODLES!

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