Seeing It

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A/N: Okay! So I have wanted to write this chapter for a long while XD so um. Let's jump right into it, shall we? This book is dedicated to OnePiecePuppet. So yeah. Enjoy...?

There was one lousy Marine left, and he was about to escape, but you got to him first. You started punching him in the face, getting rid of all the pent up anger about not getting to see Ace's dick. 

'Damn Marines.'

"You bastards! If it wasn't for you, Ace would have lost strip poker, AND I would have got to see Ace Jr. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS?!" you yelled as he passed out by the last punch you delivered to his face. You didn't feel like finishing him off personally, so you just pushed his unconscious being overboard.

You sighed.

'Okay, okay. Think. How will you get to see Ace's dick...'

"Now that could work..." 

~Time skip to later that evening after dinner~

"Thanks for the grub Thatch!" you said. You and Thatch were the last people, because to offered to help him clean up.

"So Thatch, do ya know where freckles went?" you asked as you finished drying the last plate.

"I think he went to go take a shower. Why?"

"I want to see his dick." 

"...Well okay then. Good luck."

"Why thank you." you dropped the dish towel onto the counter and "snuck" your way to the shower's. You peaked your head in, but everything was so steamy you couldn't make out a thing. 

'Gah crap, where the hell is the shower? I can't see with all th-OOMPH'

'What the hell?!' 

You looked down to notice that you had ran your way into the sink, and the corner was sticking into your gut.

'Wow, I'm such a dumbass.' you rolled your eyes at yourself, and kept searching. You heard the running water nearby, and you followed the sound.


You made your way closer, and closer to the shower, and now you could see a very faint masculin body through the certain, but nothing else.

You slowly placed your hand onto the shower curtain, and silently counted to yourself.


You slid the curtain open, and you got to see-


"What the hell? What're you doing in here (y/n)-yoi?"

"I came to see Ace's dick but, I got to see your baby pineapple. Huehue."

"Shut it."

You studied it for a bit and put your hand to your chin and hummed.

"Impressive." was all you said, before you shut the curtain, and walked out of the bathroom in search of Ace.

~Next Afternoon~

Okay, it was your next strategy! You had your fishing pole in hand, and you were watching Ace carefully. He came to a stop and you were ready! You turned around and looked beyond the ocean.

'So pretty...wait. Focus. You are hear to catch a freckled fish's boxer's.'

You took a deep breath in and out, and you swung your pole forward, and then back!

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