Chapter Twenty Two

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Harry never knew that those four words could completely change his world around.

He pulls back and searches Niall’s face for confirmation that this was real, that this was happening, and he gives a small nod in return. Harry’s vision blurs with sudden tears, eyes shining brightly as he reaches out to pull Niall into another hug. A long-overdue sob rips from his chest and hurdles past his trembling lips. Niall starts to cry too with his arms wrapped tightly around Harry in a grip he thought would never loosen.

“God, Niall I . . . I love you, love you so much,” Harry snivels with a wobbling crooked smile.

“Love you too, Haz,” Niall chokes out with the same quivering grin as Harry.

They continue their blubbering mess until their completely dry of tears and the room simmers to a quiet halt. Niall presses his forehead to Harry’s, hands finding there way to his so they can lace together. Harry ducks down and presses his lips to Niall’s for a sweet kiss. Niall easily complies and leans into him, eyes fluttering shut and body going lax.

“When’s the wedding?” Niall asks before he stoops down for another kiss.

“Whenever you want, babe,” Harry mumbles back with a smile.

“Hm . . . what about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” He asks with a panicked tone. “But we need suits, and a place to get married, and invites, and—”

Niall grabs a hold of Harry’s face and pecks his lips lightly while laughing.

“ ‘M kiddin’ baby, calm down!”

Harry’s shoulders slump with relief.

“Ass,” he huffs with a pout.

“Pfft, you love my ass.”

“That has nothing to do with this, ya know,” Harry murmurs as he wraps his arms around Niall’s hips loosely.

“I know,” he says with a smirk.


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