Chapter Eight

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Harry’s POV

I stared at the blonde beauty that was seated across from me and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He’s perfect in every way really–to his cheekbones, his eyebrows, his dark eyelashes that curled up just above his irresistible cerulean eyes, even the little dint in his chin. It was like he was sculpted perfectly by a God or Goddess, just absolutely stunning. I lifted my coffee up to my lips and took a sip. It burned slightly, but the hot creamy liquid that cascaded down my throat felt delightful as it contrasted with chilled air in the café. My eyes slipped shut and I hummed in satisfaction as my chest felt warmed by the drink.

I sensed a pair of eyes locked onto me. I slowly lifted my eyelids open and saw Niall staring at me with a fond smile, watching me carefully. We stayed like that for awhile, just staring into each other’s eyes, (cliché much, but it didn’t bother me). My heart fluttered with adoration, and I don’t know why but I just had this feeling of deep affection towards him. It was like how I felt when I first saw James on the website. Actually, it was exactly how I felt when I first saw James on the website.

Love at first sight.

I guess you can say I have a tiny crush on this Niall guy.

“S’that taste good?” I jolted back a little once he actually spoke for the second time today. “Hm?” It was all I could get out–I couldn’t trust my voice at the moment. He chuckled, (he even has a beautiful a laugh, Jesus Christ), and I blushed.

“I said, s’that taste good?” He nodded towards my hands and I followed his gaze.

“Oh, the coffee?” I asked, and he murmured, “Yeah, the coffee.”

“Yeah, yeah it’s pretty good.” I lifted the half-full cup and motioned it towards him.

“Wanna taste?”

'Brave move there Styles,' I thought to myself.

He smirked at me with a raise of his eyebrows as he slowly reached for it. He took it from my hand and brought it up to his mouth. He tipped it back and took a big gulp–his Adam’s Apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed. I had to resist the strong urge to moan because fuck, he was really hot.

He laid down the steaming mocha drink and sighed contently. “Mmm not bad, not bad at all,” He said smoothly with a tiny smile. I grinned and leaned forward with my elbows against the table.

My turn to be the tease.

“You got a– got a little bit right there.” I pointed to the drip of coffee that was running down his lip to his chin. He brushed his fingertips against his face, searching for the drop of liquid. I chuckled when he missed and rested my hand against his cheek, then wiping it away with the pad of my thumb. His cheeks flushed a light red as did the tips of his ears. I pulled my hand away and licked away the now cold coffee from my thumb. I winked at him and settled back in my chair. He shifted around in his seat and cleared his throat, a slight whine hid behind it. Perfect.

I ran my fingers along my bottom lip teasingly and stared down at him. His eyes widened and he fidgeted with the collar of his low-cut shirt. The once light flush that dusted his skin was now a darker red, and I gave him an amused smile. The others was too caught up in their own conversation to pay attention to us, but I wasn’t complaining.

I stretched my foot out and rubbed against Niall’s leg and his hands gripped the edge of the table.

“You alright there Niall? You look a bit…flustered,” I purred as I continued to rub against his leg. His jaw tensed and so did the rest of his form, eyes squinted in a harmless glare. My grin grew bigger and I nudged his legs open wider. I scooted my chair as close as it would let me, and I sunk down in my seat. I placed my hand against his thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, resulting in a small yelp to slip past his lips.

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