Chapter Six

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Niall’s POV

“I just don’t know what to do Li,” I whined. I stuffed another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth as my eyes watched the show on the TV. “Niall, you sound and look like a hormonal teenage girl.” I dropped the spoon in the carton and glared over at Liam.

“Hey, you said to be honest with you,” Liam retorted defensively.

“Yeah, and I also said I wanted advice. Just please, help me.” At times I don’t see why I ever go to Liam for anything like this, he always just takes it too lightly.

“Ok, ok. What’s the problem?” I leaned over and placed the ice cream on the table and shut the TV off.

“I feel horrible. You know how I have a fake name on the dating website? And a not-so-up-to-date photo?” He nodded, motioning me to go on.

“We’ve been talking for a couple months now–almost every night. I feel like I’m one huge lie, because it’s not really my name. The photo is me, but if you look at the picture then look at me now, it’s like a totally different person.” Liam brought his hand up to his chin and rubbed it slowly. He stared down at the ground (at nothing in particular), mulling it all over.

“Are you guys dating?” The whole room became suddenly hot and an awkward, uncomfortable silence hung in the air so low that it seemingly choked me. I tugged on the end of my tank top, scratching the back of my neck because I was really at a loss of words of what to say. Are we dating? I don’t really know, because I mean I’d like to think of us as dating but I’m not so sure that’s what’s going on.

“I-I uh..” I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned my head against the palm of my hand. “I don’t know,” I mumbled quietly. “So you’re just talking, flirtatious banter is all?” I nodded, feeling numb and mentally worn out because I never really thought about any of this.

There hasn’t been any official mention of asking on another out.

“Well then, what are you waiting for?”

“Excuse me?” I asked, confused.

“Well, if you really like him, ask him out! You’re not going to get what you want if you don’t go out and work for it. Now is the perfect time to come clean about your real name and everything to him, too.”

“Liam, do you really think that’ll go well?” I ask in disbelief.

“You gotta take chances mate. If things go wrong, I’ll be here to be your shoulder to cry on.” Even though he said it in a teasing tone I knew he really did mean that. And I guess he’s right. If I just wait and do nothing, nothing will happen between us. I took in a shaky breath and pulled out my phone; logging into the dating website. Here we go.

“Remember, no matter what happens I’ll be here for you, ok?” I simply nodded in response and began typing my message to Edward as a million thoughts raced through my head.

What if he rejects me? What if completely stops talking to me? What if he feels as if he can never trust me? What if he doesn’t love me, like I think I do with him?

Love. It’s bittersweet really, knowing it can make you the most happiest person in this world, or it can make you hurt and broken, like you have nothing else to live for or no reason to exist.

James: Hello babe! We’ve been talking for a bit now, and I really like you. I know we haven’t know each other very long but I was wondering if it was possible if we could maybe start dating? If not that’s totally cool, I just thought.. You know, maybe give it a chance?

My heart was hammering against my chest–feeling like it was going to literally explode. My stomach was churning and the palms of my hands were clammy and sweaty. My lungs burned because I wasn’t getting enough air, and I realized I actually wasn’t breathing, but holding it in. I forced a choking breath out and tried to regain some sort of normal composure, but it was hard and I was struggling. What if he doesn’t reply? Why is he taking so damn long? Anger bubbled up in a hellish boil, but I made it simmer down because I can’t be mad at Edward, only myself. Just as I was about to have another mini meltdown in my brain I saw four words that made my breath hitch in my throat. Four words that showed that I was about to see the fate of his and mine relationship.

Edward is currently typing…

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