Chapter Fifteen

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Blood-curdling screams filled the room, but everything was muffled and unrecognizable to Harry’s hearing. He was paralyzed in a state of shock as he stared down at his boyfriend. Niall’s body trembled, still grasping at the wound that surged out blood every time he would move. The pain was so unbearable, so horrific, that he couldn’t even form tears, or scream out in agony. So he lay on the cold ground, mouth moving with unspoken words as his face contorts into a troubled look, the only sign that shows the pain he’s in.

Harry sees this, and something inside him snaps like a small twig. His knees buckle underneath him and he lands roughly against the floor beside Niall.

“Niall—Oh my God,” He whimpers, voice low and hushed.

Niall’s eyes are closed tightly, but he knows by the voice that it’s Harry.

“M’gonna die, aren’t I?” His voice was weak and shattered, only making Harry’s heart break even more, (if that was possible).

“No, no. I’m not going to let that happen, all right? Just . . . don’t think about that, yeah? You’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

Niall chuckles faintly, though it comes out more as a choked groan. “Yer just sayin’ that, I’ve seen the movies, Harry. The girl is dying, the guy holds her and says she’ll be ok, but then she isn’t.”

Harry feels nauseous now, and he thinks he’s going to actually get sick. Tears start to burn at his eyes as they threaten to fall, but he wouldn’t let them. He has to be strong for Niall.

“Well we’re not in a movie, and I swear I’ll do whatever I can . . .” His voice wavers at the last word, and he doesn’t think he can say anymore without going into a hysterical sobbing fit. So, he takes Niall free hand in his own, giving it a gentle squeeze.

He looks over behind his shoulder, the scene before him finally unraveling itself. The man with the gun was now cradling the weapon close to his chest, bawling and sniveling.

“Why’d you have to leave me Jess? Look what you made me do!” He wipes the snot dribbling from his nose with the back of his hand before lunging to grab a hold of the bride. She gasps and shuts her eyes tightly, tears coming down her puffy, red cheeks as he holds her by the neck with a muscular grip. He forcefully jerks her head towards us.

“Look at what you did! I said fucking look,” He growls out spitefully. She whimpers but opens her eyes anyway, her body shivering when she sees Niall’s abnormally pale body on the floor.

“You made me shoot that kid! You made me do it!” He shoved her away and started wailing loudly. He looked down at the gun again and seemed repulsed by it; throwing it down quickly like it burned at the touch. Harry looks back down at Niall, and seeing the state that he’s in gives him a sudden surge of realization throughout his body.

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