Chapter Two

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Harry’s POV

I twirled my straw between my thumb and forefinger as Louis told another one of his classic stories. “And then, this is the funniest part, he fell off the chair, spilling the drink absolutely everywhere. What a twat!” Zayn joined in to the chorus of laughter of Louis and I forced a smile upon my face. I didn’t really much care for his story, or for anything he was saying for that matter. I was still upset, the reason why unclear. Yeah yeah, there was the obvious one; my dating life, but there was something more to it. I stirred the ice cubes around in my drink, making them clink against the glass cup. My head lay in my hand and I kicked my foot against the concrete below. The sun was beating down right above me, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Couples around us giggled and held hands, smiles all around and light kisses shared. It only made me feel worse than I already did. As Louis went on to another story I noticed Zayn scoot closer to him.

His eyes twinkled with adoration, a genuinely happy smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The story Louis was telling was old. He has told it at least twenty times before but it didn’t bother Zayn, not at all. He still was interested, still laughed at the appropriate times and was sad at others. He loved that kid, loved him with all his heart. He’d do anything for him, and I truly believe Louis felt the same. Of course, they denied their feelings for one another. Despite all the times they cuddled during movies, shared secrets with each other and unheard whispers, and even the hugs that lasted longer than the normal friendly hug with a quick peck on the cheek. Nada.

It angered me. No, it wasn’t completely jealousy. It was more of the fact that they knew they liked each other but did nothing about it. If I were in that situation, I would snatch him up in a minute. I would take him out, show everyone he was mine. Show him off with the occasional kiss in a place full of people, do cute things and treat him like he was royalty.

But I can’t, and I doubt something like that will ever happen. I am happy for them, of course I am! I mean, they’re my best mates, and I always want the best for them. Sometimes though I want to be the one with something good in their life.

“Sir, would you like a refill?” I jumped and looked up startled. Our waitress was smiling down at me with an extended hand. “Would you?” I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared down at my drink. It was full, but watered down now. “I uh, yeah. Yeah, sure.” She nodded and took my glass, quickly bustling away to make the refill. I groaned quietly and hid my face in my hands. Why was everything so difficult?

“You okay Harry?” Zayn’s face had a concerned look, and I laugh halfheartedly. “Yeah, m’fine,” I replied, dismissing his question with a wave of my hand. His eyebrows furrowed and in spite of the look of disbelief painted across his face, he dropped the topic. Our waitress reappeared by my side and placed a new drink down on the table.

“Thank you,” I said. She tittered as she placed her hand lightly on my shoulder. “Anytime sweetheart, especially for a cutie like you.” She then walked off, and exaggeratedly swinging in her hips as she did so. We all began to laugh loudly, causing her to look back at us over her shoulder. “Sorry to burst your bubble Hun but Harry here likes dicks, not chicks,” Louis called after. My eyes widened and I nearly choked on the drink I was in mid-swallow of. People in hearing distance of us shared strange looks of disapproval. I blushed deeply as I tugged the collar of my shirt. “Louis, what the hell,” I growled through clenched teeth. “Well it’s true! We all know it.” My cheeks flushed more, if that was even possible, at his words.

"Oh Lou, leave the poor guy alone," Zayn said as he lightly shoved him. Louis chuckled and tossed a couple Euros down before standing up from his seat. "Fine, fine. Lets shag." Zayn and I glanced at him oddly before Louis caught on to his words. "Oh my God, that means "Let’s Go". Fucking pervs." His cheeks were dusted with a pink tint as he practically ran to the car.


"Harry just try it! What do you got to lose?"

“My dignity.”

Louis’ eyes sent daggers at me as I shot down his suggestion. It was completely stupid; just plan weird, even for me. “I am not, in any way shape or form, going to go on a dating website!” Both Louis and Zayn sighed in frustration, unintentionally in unison. “Harry, just go on the website and get an account so Louis will shut up about it,” Zayn said in a sharp tone. Louis gasped–placing his hand over his heart with an over-exaggerated look of hurt across his face. “Well it’s true Lou, you’ve been hounding him about it for about three hours now.” Louis turned his head, refusing to even look at Zayn.

“Look at what you did now Harry! Just go on the damn site,” Zayn snapped.

“You’ve got to be kidding! I didn’t even do anything this time!” With Louis still giving Zayn the cold shoulder, he stood up and left the room. Zayn followed after him, his steps right against the heels of Louis’ feet. What a bunch of drama queens, I swear. It was obvious Louis did that to get the attention of Zayn, he does it all the time. No matter the smallest of things in situations, Louis seemed to always make it more of a problem than it was. I could hear the pleads of forgiveness from Zayn just behind the wall. Louis had him wrapped around his little finger; it’s a bit ridiculous.

Despite my earlier decision of the whole online dating thing, I pulled out my laptop anyway. I typed in the web address (The one Louis mentioned before his fit) into the web bar. A blue and white screen pulled up, and my eyes scanned through the unimportant information the website entailed. My eyes finally narrowed in on a button saying Sign Up, and I pushed it.

A form with seemingly endless questions appeared, and I started having second thoughts. Is this really worth it? I guess inner me thought so, because then moments later I found myself asking a new question.

“Hm.. What are my biggest turn ons?” I heard Zayn’s chuckle come from the doorway frame, and shit did I just say that out loud? I glanced up and from the way Zayn was shaking his head and laughing it looks like I did. I ignored the heat that traveled to my cheeks for the second time today and focused back on the questions. I filled in my answer, it being extremely idiotic and unoriginal, but fuck it because it wasn’t the most worrisome thing on my mind.

Who are you interested in? Men, Women, or Both? I drummed my fingers against my leg as I chewed on the dead skin on my lip. I sat there for a bit while my mind battled over the decision, and finally I decided on the both option and went on. Once it was finished, I hesitantly clicked enter. For the most part I was completely honest throughout the whole thing, except for the name that is. Edward Conners, seemed nice. Not too shabby Styles, not too shabby.

A Thank You screen popped up along with a chime, bringing my attention to my notifications bar. I already had two winks, and in my opinion that wasn’t half bad. I tapped on them with excitement, but that excitement soon dissipated. The winks were from two older women, much much older than what I was expecting or was interested in.

Note to self, change interest to men.

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