Chapter Ten

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Harry’s POV

Well, that was a bit weird.

Everyone continued the morning breakfast routine as if nothing had just happened, but the feeling of curiosity was a gnawing pain in the pit of my stomach. What was wrong with Niall? One minute he was his normal care-free self, then the next he was nervous and skittish like a feral kitten. I brushed it off with simply thinking nothing of it, and began to finish the food on my plate.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him though. Every little thing reminded me of him. Like the sky–it was blue, similar to the shade of his eyes, but not nearly as beautiful as they were.

Or, like the Carnation that sat in a glass vase on the table. It was pink like Niall’s lips, and the small petals were smooth like them too. The pink also reminded me of the flush his cheeks and neck would burn with so easily.

The sun reminded me of Niall’s feathery blonde locks that was upon his head, just so veryperfect.

And I felt horrible for thinking this way. I have a boyfriend, an actual boyfriend that appreciates me and loves me even with the fact that I’m miles and miles away. Speaking of James, I should really go message him, he’s probably worried sick since I haven’t talked to him in forever.


I knock quietly on the door, giving Niall a warning before just barging in because God knows what he might be doing in there.

“Better be decent in there, I’m comin’ in,” I said in a sing-song tone, voice loud enough for him to hear through the thick, wooden door.

I heard sudden shuffling and rustling, along with Niall’s mumbling of “uh’s”, “um’s”, “just a minute”. I chuckled and tap my foot patiently until the door swung open with a very out of breath Niall.

“Hi,” He breathed out, eyes locked onto me with an astonished gaze. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because he was acting as if I was some magical creature, like a unicorn or something.

“Hello to you too,” I mumbled slowly. I inched past him into the room and sat down on the end of the bed. “You ok there, love?”

He nodded quickly, lips tugging up into a nervous grin. “Yeah–yeah totally fine. Perfect actually! Really great.” He rambled on, a pink tint coloring his cheeks once he was done. He swallowed thickly and apologized, and truth be told I was at a loss for words because I had no idea what the hell he was going on about. I stood up from the bed and placed my hand on his shoulder.

“Calm down there, mate. What’s got you so worked-up?” His eyes darted around the room and he looked like he was about to pass out. I placed his face in between my hands and brought him closer to me. I leaned in, lips barely brushing against his ear.

“Niall,” I paused, my fingers leisurely skimming down his chest, “Just relax.” I felt him nod, though his body was still stiff, breathing still rigid, and that lovely flush standing out against his pale skin. I tugged on his earlobe with my teeth playfully before pulling away and giving pat on Niall’s back. He whined quietly, and I smirked. “You good?” Before I heard his response I walked towards my bag and took my laptop out. I plopped down on the bed and as I was opening it, Niall’s shouting voice stopped me in mid-process.

“Uh, wait! Lets go do something. You know, get to know each other better?” His voice was small and came out as a quiet squeak. I tilted my to side, pondering over it, and yeah–maybe this could be a good idea. “What do you have in mind?”


Somehow in the midst of Niall trying his very hardest to get Harry away from his laptop and the dating website, they ended up going to a club.

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