Chapter Sixteen

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It’s horrible, you know, not being able to touch your boyfriend for a week. Not even any skin-to-skin contact, (despite the measly handholding). It’s cold in the plain, white room and the only thing for warmth is the thin sheet given to the two. Niall misses his personal furnace, Harry, whose skin practically radiates heat. Where Niall got shot was hurting like a bitch, the same with Harry. He would moan and groan, then complain to the nurse, Brenda, about how he wasn’t getting enough pain medication. She’d respond by rolling her eyes, (she seems to do that a lot), and gently smacking at his arm.

“Oh, be quiet or I’ll make you really wish you had more pain medication.” Niall bellows out a loud laugh and shoots her a wink.

“Don’t be so harsh, Brenda. I know you love me!” She snorts as she picks up the dirty plates from Niall and Harry’s previous lunch.

“Sorry sweetheart, but you’re a tad too young for me. And my hearts already taken, anyway.” Niall’s face mocks a hurt expression, his hand pressed against his heart.

“How could you do this to me? I thought we had something!” He makes a fake wailing noise as he pretends to cry once she walks away, her and him both trying to hide a smile.

“Ah, what a sweet ole’ lady,” Niall says once she’s gone.

“Not as sweet as me though, right?”

“Eh, I don’t know about that.”

Harry’s plump lips form into a pout with his eyebrows furrowed.

“I’m just kiddin’ babe! C’mon now.”

“Yeah, but it still hurts,” Harry mumbles with crossed arms. Niall sighs and cards his fingers through his own hair.

“I’d be more than happy to make up for it.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. “But I can’t really do that with . . . this.” He motions down towards his bandaged lower-torso.

Harry raises his eyebrows. “So you’re saying if it wasn’t for that, you’d do it? Here, in a hospital?”

“Yeah, I’d be up for that,” He responds smoothly with one of his arms resting behind his head.

“Hm, naughty boy. I’ll hold you to it,” Harry purrs seductively.

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t really walk, Niall would have pounced on him right then and there.

Harry wouldn’t have complained either—a blowjob and a snog didn’t sound too bad right about now.


“Oh, for fuck’s sake! What happened this time?”

An elderly women passing gives her head a shake and scowls at Louis, (who had just arrived at the hospital along with Liam and Zayn), for his “dirty mouth”. He only responds with a forced apologetic smile.

“So uptight,” He mutters once she’s out of hearing distance.

“But seriously, what happened? No one told us anything, just that you two were here. Niall, are you all right? Did you . . . Oh God, don’t tell me you . . . Why are you bandaged up like that?” Liam questions frantically, the words spilling from his lips before he could stop them.

Niall laughs, eyes rolling in the process with the all too familiar sense of Déjà vu.

“Calm down, Mate. M’fine! Really, I am. I don’t even feel like I was shot!”

Niall’s smile dissipates when Liam’s eyes grow to the size of saucers.

“You were what?”


“Great way to break the news to ‘em, babe.”

“Shut up, you idiot. They had to find out anyway!”

“But it could’ve been said nicer.”

“If I hadn’t been shot you’d be on the ground right now, Styles.”

Harry snorts incredulously, “Sure, and I can see through walls.”

“Jesus, will you two stop? You’re like an old married couple,” Zayn complains.

Harry stops and thinks about that for a bit, smiling fondly and getting lost in the thought of marrying Niall and growing old together. He pictures it perfectly—them constantly bickering back and forth about the silliest things, looking back and laughing at all their memories, glancing through scrapbooks that are filled with all the pictures Harry took—which reminds him—“Hey Louis, did you bring my camera?”

“Yes . . . Why did you have the nurse ask me to bring it?”

“To capture moments like this.”

Harry takes the camera from Louis and snaps a photo, the flash illuminating the room. Niall stares blankly in a daze at Harry. He’s facing Niall directly; large hands wrapped around the small device and it takes Niall a minute to register what just happened.

“Did you—did you just take a picture of me?”


He responds like it’s the most natural thing in the world. His big green eyes blink innocently at him, bottom lip tucked underneath his teeth. He does it again, bringing the camera up to his face and pressing down gently on the button. He pulls back and stares at the photo he just took, grinning from ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat.

Niall’s lips are slightly parted and his eyes look so blue. His hair is disheveled and his cheeks are tinted lightly pink. Harry thinks its perfect, the photo and Niall. It makes his heart skip a beat when he stares down at the photo, and it also beats a little faster when he thinks about all the opportunities he has to take more photos of Niall.

Photography always amazed Harry. When you click a simple button an image is produced, and that image can say more than what words could ever say. That’s what really got him, the beauty of it all.

“I’m going to uh . . . get a drink. C’mon guys,” Louis announces. He grabs a hold of Zayn and Liam’s wrist, practically dragging them out of the room.

“Well, that was a bit obvious, don’t ya think?”

“Does it matter?”

Before Niall could answer, Harry starts peeling his sheet off of him.

“What are you doin’?” He asks with a chuckle.

He doesn’t speak, but instead lifts himself off the hospital bed, despite the excruciating pain, and plops over on Niall’s. “Budge over, you big loaf,” He grunts.

Niall does, then sinks into Harry’s side and sighs. “I missed this,” He mumbles as Harry scratches his scalp softly and kisses him on the neck.

“Then let’s never forget this”

Harry pulls out the camera and takes a photo; his face buried in the crook of Niall’s neck with his fingers entangled into his hair as Niall is smiling down at him, eyes bright and happy.

Yeah, he’ll definitely never forget this.


A/N: So this seems like a filler chapter to me, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s the best of chapters, but eh. Anyhow, I hope you liked it! I plan on updating again soon, so watch out for the next! :) x

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