The One With The Park

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This chapter is a flashblack into the past only, when Daisy and Peter first meet at the park. 





The park used to look so much bigger when I was a kid.

Hell, the world did too.

"Brian get off that tree this instant!" A mother yelled as a little boy held on to a low branch, trying to lift his feet up the tree.

I kept walking, watching her scold him in front of his friends.

That used to be the thing I hated the most - when my mom would scold me in front of everyone. It was almost as embarrassing as wetting your pants; everyone stared at you and all you could do was turn red and do your best not to cry. But at this point, I'd take all of that over the stress that comes with growing up.

But then again, I guess kid life wasn't always lollipops and star wars bandaids. And the little girl who was crying relentlessly on the slide, which caused me to move from my safe spot on the swings in the first place, had proved that to me.

I checked my phone, there were no messages from Claire. She told me she'd text me when she was almost here. I guess she's still helping her mom.

Letting out a heavy sigh I shoved my cell into my back pocket and bounced my basketball against the cement. Claire was the basketball star, always part of a team in school, always winning, and always challenging someone to a game... which usually meant me.

I stopped bouncing the ball when I hit the grass. I held it in my hand, walking past the trees and benches until I was almost close to the court.

Sports weren't my thing, like ever. And not because I couldn't throw a ball or swing a bat, but because no matter what I was doing, I was more into solving shit. It didn't even matter how important the mystery was to solve, but when something ate at my curiosity I had to satisfy it. No matter what.

My mom said I got the curiosity thing from my dad. Dad says I got it from my nosy mom. But we all know that no matter who I got it from, I was always a detective at heart. Which is why I've been waiting for the whole family, especially my dad, to be together when I broke the news that I got accepted into dad's old university.

When I finally reached the court, I looked up from my feet and caught the gaze of a guy under the tree, who was staring right back at me.

I was momentarily surprised, but then I smiled at him as he continued to stare. This time he looked caught off guard, his eyes widening slightly.

Trying not to make things any more awkward, I broke eye contact by turning to the hoops and taking a shot, making it in from two feet away. Not exactly a hard thing to do.

Maybe I should just call Claire and cancel. She's already an hour late and who knows how much longer she'll take.

I let out a sigh, taking another step back until I was at the outer edge of the free throw circle, and then I threw the ball. It hit the rim of the basket, and I wasn't surprised considering the fact that my heart just wasn't in that last throw. I half assed it, barely putting any muscle behind the shot. I was just exhausted from the long day, and it was probably time to go home. Screw it, Claire can make it up to me tomorrow with a hot coffee.

Peter (The Devil On My Shoulder)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin