I Can't Seem to Remember a Ding Dong Thing These Days

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[Chapter 3]
I Can't Seem to Remember a Ding Dong Thing These Days

Time seems to fly as the days flash forward to Friday. I don't pay much attention in class, not because I don't care about school (which is sometimes the case), but because my mind is elsewhere. As soon as I tell myself that I have to pay attention, something distracts me and reminds me of the note I wasn't supposed to read and Brad's confrontation on Tuesday.

"Miss Cooper, have you turned in your assignment from last night to the bin up front?" Mrs. Lawson asks me. Shoot. I don't even remember there being an assignment last night.

"Uh, no, I'll go hand it in right now." I say and shuffle through my folder in attempt to find a worksheet I don't even remember doing. I hear snickering around the classroom, and I can feel my face heating up.

"Kat, there was no assignment last night." Mrs. Lawson snaps. "Please pay attention in my class, or you might find yourself with a lunch detention." It takes me so much self restraint to not roll my eyes, so I ball my hands into fists under the desk where she can't see me. I feel my face burning up even more, and at this point I would rather stick it inside a freezer than look like a fool. The kid sitting next to me, Andrew Farrow, is looking at me so deeply that it seriously concerns me. Mrs. Lawson separated Bree and I on Wednesday after she saw us sword fighting with our pencils under the desks. Let's just say she doesn't appreciate the fine art of fencing.

"Your face is red." Andrew tells me, thinking he is doing me a favor when he is really digging his own grave. He honestly thinks I am totally oblivious to the burning sensation on my face, and the rest of my body.

"Thanks for telling me." I say with gritted teeth, making sure not to make eye contact.

Thankfully, the rest of the class goes by without anymore incidents. But the whole time, I have the what I always call the "just got yelled at blues." I always replay the moments of humiliation after I get yelled at, until it hurts to think about it anymore. As soon as the class ends, I rush to exit the class before more embarrassment comes my way. Bree rushes next to me as we are walking to lunch. Yesterday we talked after school, and I apologized for snapping at her. I can't stand being mad at Bree.

"Kat! How could you have forgotten that we had no homework in Mrs. Lawson's class? I texted you if we had homework in her class last night and you said no! How could you have forgotten?" Bree asks, genuinely concerned for my sake.

"Believe me Bree, I have no idea what is going on in this hollow head." I say sadly, and rub my head. I can't seem to remember a ding dong thing these days. How could I be getting a headache this early in the day? Hopefully some food will soothe this pounding sensation in my head. As I sit down at my table in the cafeteria, I see Dean and Jessica fighting yet again. I bite into my sandwich as Jess pushes Dean away when he tries to kiss her and make her forget the fight. I take a sip of my water as Jess yells at Dean, poking him repeatedly on the chest. I'm almost halfway finished with my lunch when their quarrel ends, and they part ways, signalling the temporary end of their relationship. As Dean walks away, I see him look my way, so I quickly look back at my lunch and pretend I didn't just witness their whole fight. I look at Bree, and I can tell she was watching the whole fight as well. Watching them fight feels like watching a petty soap opera.


The rest of the day was uneventful, aside from the kid who threw up right after lunch all over the floors of the hallway. Thankfully, I was behind him when it happened.

"Thank goodness this week is over." I mutter to myself as the last bell of the day rings, dismissing us from school. Bree is usually my ride home, but she has a dentists appointment right after school, so I have to walk home. I don't mind, because I don't get much exercise. Let's just say athleticism isn't a trait that I posses. I don't see anyone else in the hallway, and I exhale a breath of relief. Many people enjoy the presence of others at all times, but me? I'd rather keep the amount of time am with other people and the time I spend alone equal. It's not that I'm anti-social, I am just...reserved. I rush down the steps of the entrance, and I feel my foot slip off the steps. I brace for the impact, but I never feel the blow. Instead I feel a pair of strong arms holding me by my shoulders. The hands place me on the ground, and I look up to see who saved me a great deal of pain and embarrassment. I am utterly shocked as I see Dean O'Connell looking right at me. I immediately regret the first thing I say to him.   

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