Straightening her back, which caused her breasts to be pressed against the silky fabric, she saw the desire that flickered in his jade eyes. "You're a horrible liar, John. How do you ever manage in your line of work?"

Every nerve in John's body felt electrified. This was torment. He did not know what was keeping him in his chair. He struggled for control. Still...

"What makes you think I am lying?"

She gave him a once-over glance and smiled. "I should think that answer is obvious."

John had never seen Angelique like this. She was relentless, and she held no mercy for him in her heart. She was right. He was lying, and it was obvious. She was driving him crazy.

"Do I need to continue to prove my point?" Angelique said poignantly as she reached to pull the strap of camisole from her shoulder. John growled at her.

"You continue with that strap and you won't have to worry about the danger you're in out there. You'll be in enough danger right here."

"I thought as much," Angelique said.

She had won this battle and proved her point, but there was no enjoyment to her victory. She removed her hand from the strap, stood up, flipped over her covers, and then climbed under them, turning her back on John.

"Good night, John."

It wasn't likely. John knew he would not get much sleep tonight. Not with the object of his desire less than five steps away and this God-awful chair, but he would make do. Picking up the pillow she threw at him and placing it behind his head, he tried to console himself, knowing that at least for now he knew she was safe.

The images came flooding into her mind much clearer than before...

"Buddy, what the hell are you doing?" While trying to push the dog off, Danny yelled to John, "What the hell has gotten into your dog? Get him off of me!"

John wasn't paying attention to the older boy. He was too intrigued by the sound of sobbing coming from somewhere in the brush. "Danny, shut up, will you? You must have injured the animal. Hear that?"

"Sounds eerie, if you ask me," the youngest boy said, kneeling next to John.

Danny finally pushed the dog away and scrambled to his feet. Highly annoyed, he said, "Fine, then let me put it out of its misery," and cocked his rifle to take another potshot into the brush, but he never got the shot off.

Buddy was pulling John around to the other side of a bush by his hunting jacket. What John saw took his breath away.

"Hold up! Hold up! Hold Up!" John yelled.

"What is it now?" Danny demanded. John didn't answer but disappeared behind the brush.

"You're going to make me come over there, aren't you?" Danny grumbled as he circled around the bush.

She was sitting on the ground, curled up for protection. Her outfit, if you could call it that, was almost transparent, but her golden crown of waist-length hair provided her with some cover. Shock and awe registered on both boys' faces.

John was the first to come to his senses. "Are you okay?" he asked, but was pushed aside by his larger companion.

"Well, what do we have here?" Danny said, as he lecherously ran his roughen hand against the milky white skin of her cheek. Angelique flinched.

Suddenly he was no longer the younger Danny but morphed into his adult self. He reached out to grab hold of her. "You've got nowhere to run, Angel." His face slowly coming to be within inches of her own. She swore she could almost feel his furious breath on her face. "Now you're mine." She felt his vice-like grip grab hold of her and she screamed!!!!

A Reluctant AngelWhere stories live. Discover now