Sunlight Captivation Preface

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I'd never given much thought about love, or even finding it, but I have thought about how I would die. I have come closer to death before, inched my way towards it and somehow always barely survived. I guess that's what happened when you risk your life for greater good and have a guardian angel looking after you. Literally.

I thought my life was in pieces and few months ago when I thought my world had turned upside down, when it had really turned for the best. These past few months I haven't thought about my death as much or any death, but one. I thought more along the line of the one I fell for and me. I knew I should have listened to the protectors and not let this relationship go on, yet alone start. I like to think that things happen in mysterious ways and for a reason.

I can't regret it now, as I run and search to save not my life, but something significantly more important than that. The protectors said we both may not make it, but I still have to try, because if you don't fight for what is important and hold on to tightly, then you have nothing worth living for.

I prepared for this fight and so was my enemy.

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