"Thank you so much" I gratefully thanked the man, with a big smile he waved it off, "my pleasure, I'm sure anybody else would of done the same" he replied, and with that he left.

"Lgbt" "lgbt" "lgbt" walking into school I hear a crowd of people chanting, on the side lines I saw Dinah clearly enjoying herself, walking up to her before even letting her register I was here I was already pulling her away by her sleeve.
"Wow your keen" Dinah laughed smugly, ignoring her I pulled her into the toilets, turning around I came face to face with my best friend, the smile was gone and she looked concerned.

"Mila what happened? " she asked her hands came to my arms and squeezing gently she gave me an encouraging look.

"I'm sorry, but i-i can't" sobbing into her, I felt her arms snake around me and hold me tight, her hands combed my hair, "shh, it's okay" she whispered gently. Letting the tears fall I realized where we were, but for once I actually didn't care.

"What can't you do?" Dinah questioned softly, her fingers now crawling circles on my arm, my tears had stopped and I was just looking at the bathroom floor, I felt content being held, even though it was just for a moment, I really needed it.

"Support the lgbt community" my voice cracked when I spoke, because if I can't support the lgbt community this week it means giving up Lauren and the feelings i may have for her.

"Why? What's happened?" Dinah said almost not surprised by my answer, but who can blame her she didn't know what happened between me and Lauren.

"I was going to be supportive this week, I really was, but coming here to school Lauren messaged me as I was coming over the road and some guy almost crashed into me, I had a panic attack afterwards, this happens every time I get close to that community- I just -I can't" my eyes glazed over as I looked at Dinah, she smiled, frowning I looked up at her "what?" I questioned bluntly becoming defensive.

Her grin only grew wider, "you were really going to support the lgbt community?" She asked again, Jesus how many more times would she like me to say that, "yeah , of course, after I hurt Lauren we kind of...had a moment. I was going to be supportive this week but-"

"Omg camila!! Where have you been!" Someone gasped from the doorway, look round Dinah I saw Lauren standing there with 'girls' text across her hoodie, rainbow flags on each cheek and a mini rainbow flag in her left hand. I swear my heart skipped a beat.

Instantly I smiled as she wrapped me up in a hug, but then I remembered this couldn't happen, technically, today she could of killed me. Pushing her off me I looked anywhere but her eyes, and moved away from her.

"Lauren. Please just go" I said trying to push away all emotion, surprisingly Dinah just stood there, I felt Laurens eyes on me, it took everything in me to not look into her green eyes , but I knew if I did all I would see is pain. And I can't handle that.

"Camz" she whispered gently, desperation evident in her voice, closing my eyes I took in a deep shaky breathe and turned around, looking Lauren in the eyes.

"Your a dyke Lauren, and I can't deal with that, so leave."

Her eyes teared up, "so are you" she snapped , clearly angry and upset. Surprise overtook me, snapping my head up to meet Laurens gaze I saw her hands come to her mouth "shit" she murmured. "Um , you what?" Dinah questioned her eyes open wide in shock.

"Did I just hear that right?" A voice said from behind, turning around I saw Scarlett coming out from a toilet in the back.

"No, you didn't" I said flatly, "if I was gay I'd kill myself" I spoke coldly and walked past Lauren who stood frozen in place, Dinah was at my heels, "your coming with me" she hissed and tugged me along towards the smoking shelters.

Great now I'm gonna be a smoker or do weed. #where-those-blunts-at


So after telling Dinah about what happened with me and Lauren she's been giving me  'the look' all day. In fact I've been great today, I haven't said a mean thing to anyone.
But now we have art and Kristin has had her tongue stuck down pretty much every girl's throat today, except Laurens, not that I've been looking.

"Alright come in quietly" Mr Walters spoke, he smiled warmly at me. "How come your not wearing anything to show support to the lgbt community?" He questioned me as I walked in.

"Because she's ignorant" someone spoke coldly, looking up I saw Lauren who was yet again clearly pissed off. Chucking her bag on the seat next to her which was a table across from me. Arching an eyebrow I looked at her, "um we weren't talking to you so it's ignorant of you to interrupt a conversation" I backfired, clearing his throat Mr Walters shook his head rubbing his hands against his temples, "girls enough!" He said sternly, "camila go sit in your seat" .

Not bothering to argue back I walked over to where I sit, "what's up chick?" Kristin said bringing me into a quick hug as we both stepped around each other to get to our seats.

"Woah careful don't want camila to catch the 'gay virus' " Lauren spoke grabbing a paintbrush from my table. What a thief. Her closeness was having an effect on me though. Dropping my bags at my chair I pulled out the chair preventing her to get past. "Your not Picasso you don't need that paintbrush, just like you don't need your gay genes you should return them maybe you'll get a refund" I said Smirking.

"Whatever cabello, your such a dickhead, I hate you." Dropping the paintbrush on the table she walked the long way back to her seat.

Why the hell did that hurt so bad.

The rest of the lesson was a drag, Kristin was talking to me about her mum coming back from her holiday but I was hardly paying attention, Dinah spoke to me about the new season of game of thrones and I participated acutely with that but the whole time was me stealing glances at Lauren or me avoiding looking at her.

It's like I'm arguing with my brain, half of me wants her and the other half if telling me to stay away before I get hurt.

"Mila!" Dinah shouted, looking up I realized she'd been yelling my name for a while now, Kristin frowned at me, "you had no idea what we just said did you?" She chuckled, gliding my tongue along my teeth I shook my head.

"Party, tomorrow night, your place" Dinah said,but before I could interrupt Mr Walters cut through the voices-

"Alright class, we're all done for today, don't forget your assignments are due next week,check your partners online at the school's website, disappear" he said sounding exhausted.

Walking out the doors I got there the same time as Lauren, allowing her to go first I saw a small smile in the corner of her mouth, I loved it when she smiled.

"Damn stop staring" Dinah whispered bumping into me which caused me to bump into Lauren.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" I apologized holding her arms to steady her, I heard her catch her breath as my hand held hers, not wanting to let go I kept on holding her hand until she finally pulled away, "it's fine , just don't do it again." She spoke seeming angry.

I need to figure this girl out, I know I've toyed with her emotions but I don't know what I'm feeling, who knows , maybe she's coming to the party tomorrow night. All i know is bisexual or gay but either way i'm a part of the lgbt community and i have to accept it and move forward form my past.

Bullied By Camila CabelloDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora