"You did a great job."

He messed his hair up and sighed. "Thanks, squirt."

I smiled at my name and before I knew, I engulfed him in a hug.

"I missed you." I felt him smile against my shoulder.

"Me too, squirt. Me too."

I pulled back and saw Alex watching us with a strange expression. I opened my arms and he blinked as if not believing his eyes.

Can't blame him for that. I chuckled and tugged him.

He hesitantly hugged me and Aiden back.

"I won't bite you, you know. You both are forgiven but an ice-cream treat will be very lovely."

They both laughed and hugged me tighter. Just like that, everything was alright.


"Why am I helping you, again?"

"Because you love me, Astrid-bear." Asher replied with an adorably cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes and focused on scraping gum off the teacher's desk.

I was on my way to exit after showering and changing from practise when I saw Asher struggling with a mop. I was ignoring this sight for 2 weeks, but now I couldn't stop myself from brimming with sympathy for him.

So here I am helping him with his punishment. My brother is a manipulative a-hole.

"I threw a wish in the well
don't ask me I'll never tell-"

"What the-?!" I screeched as Asher broke the peaceful silence with his horrible singing.

He gave me cheeky smile and started twirling the mop around while sing- no not singing! Screaming!

"I looked at you as it fell
and now you're in my way

I trade my soul for a wish
Pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this
but now you're in my way-"

I laughed as he did the parody of car washing scene on one of the desks. I blew him a kiss and he literally fell down, pretending to faint.

"Oh god! Ash you ok- Aaaaaah?!"

He jumped back on his feet and almost head butted me in process.

"Your stare was holding
Ripped jeans
Skin was showing
Hot night
Wind was blowing
Where you think you're going baby?"

He did some crazy dance moves and approached me before tugging me forward and forcing me to dance. I obliged and gave in to the craziness.

"Hey I just met you
And this is crazy
But here's my number
So call me maybe
It's hard to look right at you baby
But here's my number
So call me maybe!"

We screamed on the top of our lungs. Claps resounded in the room and we immediately shut up.

Alex and Rose were standing on the doorway with amused smiles. I flushed immediately.

"Whoa! That was great! You both are my future wedding singers." Rose mocked. I glared at her and they just laughed harder.

"What are you both doing here?" Asher muttered, clearly embarrassed.

"Aiden had to leave for your dad's office so, he asked us to give Astrid a ride home as you were supposed to be on janitor duty. But, oh well." Alex smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't sweat it!" I waved a dismissive hand. "I brought my skateboard, just in case."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you still upset with me?"

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