Chapter three; My Max

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After the video... Part 2

Max P.O.V.

I still can't believe that I kissed Ross. It was amazing. I can't get over the feeling I had when my lips first landed on his... It was indescribable. And he was so cute when I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me back... Oh who am I kidding? I definitely love him. I bet he doesn't love me though. If he did, then we couldn't even announce it to the world as we would get so much hate from the homophobes. I knew I could withstand it, but Ross always seemed more sensitive to the hate comments, and unsubscribers. I remember once he started crying because someone called him a fat, ugly faggot. It took an entire week for me to cheer him up after that.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to working on editing one of Ross's videos.

(Time skip brought to you by determination.© [because no one wants to hear about editing. It's pretty boring.])

Ross P.O.V.

I took the CD out of the computer and put it carefully back in it's case. I should make more copies when I get home. I headed out of my office to the central editing room and then I paused. Maybe I should just watch Max do stuff for a while. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. I slowly peeked around the corner. I watched him edit for a few minutes; admiring all the little details of him. The colour of his hair, the way he focused on the computer, how he drank his coffee... It couldn't have been better. He was perfect in every way. I watched as he got up to throw out his empty coffee cup, and I sighed. He was so amazing. He was about to walk around the corner when something caught my eye. His foot got tangled in a wire from Tim's station and he fell. I watched in fear he was going to hurt himself, but he landed safely and I breathed a sigh of relief.

As I was about to go over and help him up, another ginger came and helped him. Red walked over and helped Max, my Max, up and patted his back, asking if he's okay. Red had better stay away from my Maxxy. He's MINE! I'll give him one more chance. One more chance. 

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