Chapter 27

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"Look guys it's another one." The same boy yelled excitedly. Katelyn looked at me confused and nervous. I sent her a  reassuring smile. "Well Katelyn is the sweetest, most beautiful girl that I've ever known, she would never hurt someone intentionally." I said, afraid to meet her eyes. Jenni glared at me.

"Katelyn didn't do anything, Jenni, it was me."
I looked at Katelyn, she looked surpised and so did everyone else in the cafeteria. I got down from off of the table and walked towards Katelyn.

"I am sorry that I did it, I was trying to help, can you please forgive me."

"I understand that you were trying to protect me, I love that you tried, I don't love the outcome but it's the thought that counts." She explained.
She looked around, I think she realised that we were in the cafeteria and everyone was staring at us. "Can we continue this conversation somewhere else please." She whispered while blushing.

I chuckled, "Sure."

"What did you want to say or ask?" I questioned as soon as we arrived to her spot.

"I didn't want to ask or say anything Kyle." She said softly.
She came closer to me, so close that our faces were only inches apart. I couldn't help but look at her lips longingly, thinking about how bad I wanted them to be on mine.
She lingered there for a while making sure it was okay for her to kiss me. I answered her question by holding her hands and coming closer to her.
My body was tingling with anticipation and excitement, what was she waiting for. Her lips touched mine, kissing me softly. "Just making sure." She said before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me closer, she kissed me, her lips were soft and sweet. Somehow my hands ended up on her waist and I pulled her closer. She gasped at the sudden impact and I used that to take control of the kiss. She was running her hands through my hair and kissing me back. Katelyn White was kissing me!
Katelyn pulled away breaking the kiss. "I'm sorry I got to go." She apologized, then she ran off leaving me, alone.


"Katelyn is that you?" Ms. White asked when I entered the house after school.

"No it's Kyle." I called back.
But if Katelyn wasn't at home, where did she run off too. Where ever she was I hope she was safe. I wanted to go look for her but it didn't seem like she wanted to talk to me right now.

Didn't she like the kiss?
Was I a bad kisser?
Did my breath stink? I don't remember eating anything weird at lunch, then again I didn't have lunch, which reminds me I'm hungry.

"Kyle can you come into the kitchen for a second?" Ms. White beckoned.

"Sure thing." I answered.

"What's wrong, I can hear it in your voice so don't bother telling me it's nothing." She said knowingly.

"Well I kissed your daughter." I confessed.

Ms. White smiled.

"Then she ran away." I continued.

Ms. White smile disappeared and she looked confused for a while. Then she had a knowing look on her face.

"Kyle I think I know why she ran away." Ms. White informed me.

"You do?" I questioned.

"Yes but I can't tell you." She explained.

"Why not?"

"It's not my business too, Katelyn will tell you when she's ready, just know you didn't do anything wrong." Ms. White assured me.

"Thanks, I hope you're right." I sighed.


"Kyle can you and answer the door for me?" Ms. White questioned.

"Yes I can."

I went to the front door and unlocked it. Then I opened the door, I saw a familiar face, "I figured you'd be here." The person said.

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