Chapter 2

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Review: Kat was dared to be friends with Kyle.
Who is Kyle?? The school nerd that is always bullied.
Will Kat begin her quest?? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL can also find out here too :D That wasn't even funny lol I'm done.....

Monday morning I was a nervous wreck, I can't believe my pride got in the way. After I was ready I rushed downstairs Jenni was waiting for me outside like she usually does I get a ride from her every morning.

"Kat is your dad still working in California?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah I haven't heard anything about him in a while." Marissa agreed.

"Well he's still working in California." I sad with a fake smile.

My dad being in California on a job was a lie I made up that was still a little true.
He moved to California after the big fight with my mom. I didn't hear a lot when the were fighting but I heard something about his job, cheating and I heard my mom crying. So I came to the conclusion that my dad cheated on my mom with someone at work.

My mother still won't tell me why he left but I want everyone to still think we are a happy family so I lie.

"So Kat are you ready?" Jenni asked grinning just like the night we played truth or dare.

"For what?"

"The dare." Jenni and Marissa said together.

"Of course I remembered how could I forget."

Jenni parked her car and we all got out.

"When are you going to start Kat." Jenni asked.

I don't know probably at-"

"You should start now." Jenni smiled pointed in the direction of Kyle.
I took a deep breath and walked over to where Kyle was sitting no way I was backing down now.

"Hey Kyle." I greeted.

Kyle looked up from the book he was buried in and looked around, "Me?"

"Yeah who else? I dont see anyone else named Kyle."

Kyle shrugged "I guess so."

"Sooooo whatchya doing?" I asked while sitting on the bench making him scoot over awkwardly.

"I'm reading...why are you talking to me?" He trailed off jumping straight to the point.

"Wellll..."I trailed off looking for an answer, "Ever since that day in the corridor I felt really bad and.."

"Thanks but I dont need you sympathy." He said while getting up to leave. I got up too "Please don't leave." I begged.

"Bye Katelyn." Was all he said before he left.


For the rest of the day I couldn't get Kyle off my mind again.
I don't blame him for walking away though, he must have been so confused. We only talked once and that was do long ago. I can remember it like it was yesterday.

"Nerd." I heard Jake's voice interrupting my thoughts. Everyone gathered around them to see what the commotion was about. I walked over too but I already knew what it was. Kyle was being bullied again.
I sighed and walked towards Jake and Kyle if I wanted this to work this is how I'll get him. "Jake, can you please leave the poor boy alone?"
Jake and the crowd around the two boys looked suprised. Nobody has ever spoken up about people bullying Kyle before, especially a girl.

Jake smirked and asked "What's in it for me doll?"

"What do you want?" I asked.

Jake leaned over and whispered something to me.

"Ewwww." I pushed him away and kicked him right in the groin. He fell on the ground and rolled around in pain.
"Kyle get up!" I shouted.

He got up quickly and ran away I couldn't tell if he was running from me or from Jake.

I ran behind Kyle it was hard in my heels at first but I ditched them somewhere I can't even remember.

I dont know why he is running away from me I just helped him he really should be thanking me right now.

"Kyle stop running please." I pleaded for about the fiftieth time. He stopped running and turned to face me.

"What Katelyn, what do you want?" He asked angrily running his hand through his hair.

"Why are you so angry with me I just helped you and you're treating me like this?"

"Why couldn't you just leave me to be beaten and teased like every other day?" He asked.

I had nothing to say I couldn't say I was dared to.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Exactly." With that he walked away....again.

"agh I hate this stupid dare." I growled walking away to find my very expensive shoes.


"Hello Ms.Jordan." All the boys in my class cooed.

"Hi class." Ms Jordan said cheerfully before turning back to write on the board. The only reason these boys paid attention in her class is because Ms Jordan was young and very pretty.

Marissa came to class late again but the teacher allowed her she sat by the computer directly opposite of me she messaged me on the computer.

Hii~ M

Yeah??~ K

How's it going with Kyle. I saw you in the hall, must have gained you extra points.~ M

I wish it did, but I couldn't say that it didn't, I have to make it sound like I got this. So I messaged back.

Yeahh like taking glasses from a nerd.~ K

When class was over Marissa and I walked out together.
"I forgot my folder in there I'm going to get it and come back." Marissa said.

"Want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No go ahead I'll see you in the cafeteria byee."

Okayyy guys that was it chapter 2. I hope you enjoyed it.
The next chapter might be from Kyle's Pov.


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