Chapter 23

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I could hardly focus in class, I was too busy trying to picture the look on Jenni's face and on Katelyn's.

"Kyle!" Mr. Marvin yelled interrupting my thoughts.

"I called your name five times, class is done, it's time for lunch get out!"

I hurried out of class quickly and went to the cafeteria to look for Katelyn. I wasn't suprised when I didn't see her there and I knew exactly where she'd be.
I ran to the "quiet spot" I spotted her sitting in a corner eating pizza, she was facing the wall so she didn't see me.


"Whoever that is go away." She said trying to sound mean but it came out in a sob.

"It's Kyle, come to the cafeteria please."

"I don't want to."


"You know why." She sniffed.

"Please I'll be there for you, I promise."

"I dont care." She huffed.

"Please, if  you're not there everyone would think you're not brave enough and I'll hold your hand and beat up anyone who laughs."

"Fine." She said while standing up and taking a huge bite of pizza.

I walked Katelyn to the cafeteria with my arm around her shoulder. When Jenni saw us a huge grin appeared on her face and she came over to us. "Kat I thought you wouldn't make it." She said with a devious smirk on her face.

"Well she's here." I answered for Katelyn.

"I wasn't talking to you." She snapped before going to the middle of the cafeteria.


Here it is, the moment I've been dreading. I was so lucky to have Kyle with me. He gave me and encouraging smile which I tried to  returned but it was a sad, small smile.

"Now we all know Kat,"  Jenni began.
Everyone's eyes were fixated on me now. Then Jenni continued "I bet you think she's the sweetest thing ever." She said making a disgusted face.

"She is!" A boy burst out.
I smiled a little but it disappeared.

he won't think you're so sweet after this....

Jenni glared at the boy the she continued "I have pictures to prove that she isn't."
Everyone was listening now and looking at me then at Jenni.

"Aren't you supposed to be best friends?" Another boy yelled.

"We were best friends, before she changed."

"Do you have anything to say about this Kat?" The same boy asked.

I shook my head.

"Kat, Kat, Kat.." The whole cafeteria was shouting my name waiting for me to say something. Kyle nudged me making me jump up, then he winked and smiled at me.

"Well, I know Jenni and I used to be, what you guys call best friends, I was turning into someone I was not and I only realised with help of a very good friend." I said looking at Kyle.

"Yes I can talk to people, be friendly, but I felt bad talking about or mistreating them we're all different, just because your popular and seem like you have it all it doesn't mean you can put down people and make them feel small just for you to think that you're better." I continued by now everyone was looking, the nerds, the outcast, the jocks, everyone.

"So Jenni if you want to show everyone, go ahead I know why I did it but you don't, you'll never understand and you never even cared to ask when you were suppose to be my best friend." I finished, then I sat down feeling good that I got that off my chest. I didn't know where it came from but it seemed to be bottled up inside me for so long and I was glad to finally get it out.

"You're just saying all of those things to get them on your side, show the first picture ." Jenni shouted.

Her boyfriend, Zack obeyed her and clicked on the first photo.

I closed my eyes, I did not want to see it.

Everybody gasped, making me think she put the worst picture first.
I opened one eye and peeked up at the projector. It's Jake and Jenni kissing. Why would she  take that photo? She was cheating on Zack. I know Zack and Jenni did worse but still, where was this all coming from.

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