Chapter 14

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The date with Johnson was horrible, he was being a pig and he tried to kiss me. We went to a fancy restaurant the only thing good about the date was the food. I came home and went to my bedroom and took off my heels and my dress. I only dressed up because Johnson said we were going to dinner. I messaged Kyle after I changed my clothes and got into bed.

Katelyn22: Hey

Kyle: hi

Katelyn22: So are you and your mom coming?

Kyle: yeah

Katelyn22: yay good

Kyle: so how was the date?

Katelyn22: horrible

Kyle: well,it was with Johnson so..

Katelyn22: lol yeah I'm going to sleep see you tomorrow.

Kyle: bye sweet dreams :)

Katelyn: :)

I put my phone to charge and fell asleep.




My mother shouted and woke me up from my beautiful slumber. What could she want at five in the morning.


"It's twelve in the afternoon, Kate get out of bed."

"Okayy." I groaned.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see what my mother wanted.

"You said your friend is coming for dinner, go to the store and buy these." She said handing me a list.

"Ugh yes please."

I went back upstairs and took a shower. I got ready then I left.

I was picking up the carrots when I saw Jenni.
I walked the opposite direction so she wouldn't see me.


Why universe. "Jenni." I fake smiled.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.


"For what." She asked.



"For dinner."

"Can I come?" She questioned.

"Sorry we have guests." I replied with a polite smile.



"So what's one more?" She asked.

Too much if it's you.

"My mother doesn't like you." I lied.

"Yes she does."

"Fine Jenni you can come."

I finished shopping for my mother and went back home with Jenni.

"Mom Jenni's here." I shouted. My mother was in the kitchen cooking.

"Is she staying for dinner?" My mom shouted back.

"No." I said.

Jenni rolled her eyes "She's just kidding Ms.White, I am."

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