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"So what's the plan?" I asked getting into Marissa's car the next day.

"You have to hack Jenni's phone, that should be easy for you since you're a nerd."

"I'm not a nerd, I can't do that."

"So what are you?" Marissa asked.

"I don't know,anyways, I'm friends with a guy that can do it for you."

"Oh my gosh you're friends with a geek and you're a nerd?" Marissa asked.

"I'm not a.." I sighed we would never hear the end of this so I let her win.
"Yes Marissa ,I'm a nerd with geek friends."

"I knew it."

"How will you get Jenni's phone?" I asked ignoring her stupidity.

Marissa smiled a devious smile and said "Leave that to me."

We were nearing the same spot that Marissa put me out. "Do I have to get out?"

"No, we have to work on the plan." Marissa answered. "By the way are you okay, that beating you took yesterday was brutal." Marissa asked actually looking like she was concerned about my well being.

"I'm fine." I lied. I was still in pain but my pain was more emotional than physical. Watching Katelyn there froozen and not doing anything to help. Even when I got home she didn't speak to me or asked if i was okay. She just walked pass me, luckily I was able to hide it from my mother and she didn't see. I guess I was stupid to think she actually cared, either that it this secret it really big.

"Oh yeah, there's something else I want you to do." Marissa said.


Am I seeing correctly? Is that Kyle and Marissa together?
Kyle and Marissa were walking through the corridors and they were very aware that all eyes were on them. Although seeing Kyle and Marissa together was shocking there was something else that caught everyones  attention. Kyle's clothes. He didn't have on his normal clothes a geeky plain t-shirt and a cloth pants. Instead he had on a sock hat, a leather jacket and a dark jeans pants . All the girls were swooning over him, which built up this feeling inside of me. I looked over at Jenni, she seemed shocked, probably fan girling over bad boy Kyle also.

Was I the only one who didn't like it?

Kyle and Marissa were coming towards us, when Jenni realised she regained her composure. I wanted to ask Kyle why he was dressed like that but I couldn't talk to him, because of Jenni. Marissa and Jenni seemed like they were having a conversation about Kyle but I didn't know for sure, I couldn't hear since they were whispering. My eyes wandered off of them and went to Kyle, who looked like he was going to Zack, Jenni's boyfriend. Kyle, the new bad boy, tapped Zack on his shoulder and when Zack turned around Kyle punched him in his face. Zack was shocked but he soon realized what was going on and swung his arm to punch Kyle, but he missed. If Kyle was fighting alone he won but it was a fight with Zack so all the other jocks got in. I went to stop them but Jenni held my arm, "Remember what we talked about?"
I stopped walking but seeing Kyle being hurt twice triggered something, I couldn't help it I ran to Kyle's aid, kicking and punching every guy I could. Kyle was able to get up and finish the others off so I let him. Jenni marched over to me and said, "Just wait til tomorrow." I rolled my eyes trying to act like I didn't care but I did. The same time I was about to walk away I saw Marissa go into Jenni's handbag and took out her phone then ran off.


After all of that, I had no time to talk to Katelyn. I saw Marissa running so I ran behind her. "Please tell me you have the phone." I told Marissa when I finally caught up.
Marissa waved the phone at me and said "Of course I do."

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