Chap 6

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Here's my cast..
Ariana Grande as Katelyn White

Zac Efron as Kyle Stanford

Blair Waldorf as Jenni

Tyga as Jake

Hakeem as Zack

Dove cameron as Marissa

After the fight Kyle and I went home listening to music on his phone. Our parents who didn't know anything about it continued talking like normal. I felt bad because he called us friends and stood up for me, when all I was doing is being friends with him for a dare. I should tell him but I don't want to lose him but I dont want to lose this dare either. I have two more weeks for me starting today, Sunday. Jenni's coming over today I dont know why, I think she's up to something.
I really didn't want her to come.

"Don't forgot Jenni's coming over." My mom shouted from the kitchen.

Great now I can't call and said my mother forgot. I got a whatsapp text message and I instantly smiled maybe it was Kyle.
I turned on my phone and frowned when I saw it was from Jenni.

Jen: Tell your mom Marissa is coming over also.

Katelyn22: I thought it was just you my mom just prepared for one, she'll be mad you tell her that yourself.

Jen: So? Just tell her it will be like old times. Before you for dared to talk to that nerd we hardly see you anymore and we miss you.

Katelyn22: okay

Katelyn22: but I'm serious,I'm not telling my mom I don't want her to be mad. But I miss you girls too the nerd is stress lol.

I would rather spend the day with "the nerd" than Jenni and Marissa.
Even if we just had to sit in silence I would if I could.

I should tell my mom Marissa's coming over also but then again I'll leave it. So when Marissa comes my mom would be angry and hate Jenni for bringing more company without asking permission. I grinned and cleared my chat history. My phone is low on storage don't judge.


"Hii I'm here." Jenni said entering our house without knocking.

"Hey Jenni." My mom said giving Jenni a hug.

"I'm here too." Marissa said coming into our house.

My mom looked at me then back at Jenni.

"Jenni you didn't tell me you were bringing a friend." My mom said confused.

I held my breath trying hard not to let the evil chuckle escape.

"I told Kat." Jenni said looking confused.

"You did?" My mother asked looking at me.

"Yes look." Jenni went on her phone and gave it to my mother. If she was showing my mother then chat between her and I then my mother would understand.

"Kat why didn't you tell me?" My mother asked.

"Cause I thought you would be mad can't you see what I said there?"

"Sure Katelyn okay sounds mad." My mother said while showing me the phone.

Jenni deleted the messages so it said:

Jenni: Tell your mom Marissa is coming over also.

Kat: okay.

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