Divorced 4/4

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Don't hate me for some of these storylines. Sadly some are the reality of many of us. 😓 Sorry that I'm updating late. I totally forgot it was Sunday 😂 #TheLifeOfAGraduate 😁

This is not edited. Enjoy!

The ball rang and Darcy ran to the door. "Hey dad." She smiled and let her father step inside. "Where is your mum?" Calum asked just as you came around the corner. "Sorry I was packing Lukas' bag." You hugged your ex husband and lead him to the couch. Stupid because he used to live here with you. About one and a half years ago you and Calum decided you didn't love each other anymore and my should try a new beginning. The divorce was hard for either of you but you kept your friendship strong not just for the kids. "Ok so Christmas is coming up and we need a plan." You told him. "I mean you could have the kids for Christmas this year if you want to I had them last year and I was thinking about going to Europe to visit my sister in London." You smiled and hugged him. "Thank you. I mean in general! We always solve these situations so smoothly. Thank you for not making it complicated." He hugged you back and got up. "Ben, Darcy, Lukas! We are leaving. Say goodbye to your mum." They came running in and hugged you tight. "See you Sunday." You told Calum and so they left.

It's been about six months since yourself and Ashton got divorced. It wasn't easy for either of you mainly because of the girls but the love was gone and every now and then you thought about your new college in a way you should have thought about Ashton. Now you had a new boyfriend and Ash had a new girlfriend. You looked out of the window to see a unfamiliar car pulling up. A young blonde girl exited the car and opened the door for your girls. You went to the door to let them in. "Hey girls. How was your weekend at dads?" "Great." They all hugged you and went to their rooms saying goodbye to Bryana along the way. "Hey. I'm Bry. Sorry Ash can't be here today. He had to stay in the studio. I hope it's ok I brought the girls." You smiled at her. "Oh no thank you for bringing them. Not to be curious but your Ash's new girlfriend?" You asked "oh yeah sorry I should have said that maybe. I hope your ok with me meeting the girls." "Totally fine. Anyway thanks again." You said your goodbyes. She went to her car started the engine and drove off. You were surprised by your feeling but it strangely hurt you to see Ashton with someone else.

Luke: *his POV*
"Hey mum can you drive Liam and Theo over to Y/N's?" I asked my mum hoping she'd say yes.  Y/N and I have been fighting about the stupidest things for a while now. It actually was the reason why we got a divorce. Since then I was living with my parents again. "No." "But mum!" I tried begging. "No Luke! You gotta face her. There is no way out of it. I drove them the last two times now it's your turn again." "Fine. Theo! Liam! We're leaving." Twenty minutes later we arrived at Y/N's place. Our old house. "You coming dad?" Theo asked but I shook my head. "No sorry mate. You know we'll end up fighting again." He nodded knowing exactly what happened the last time I talked to his mum. "Well see you next week then I guess." Liam said and high fived me just like Theo. I watched them walk up to the door and Y/N opening the door to greet her boys. She looked outside and saw me in the car. I nodded saying 'hello' with this simple gesture and she nodded back saying 'thank you'. I drive off thankful that rid didn't end in a huge fight like the last time we've met.

Michael: *his POV*
"Can I just have them for two more days this week please Y/N." I begged my ex wife not for the first time. "No Michael. You can't keep doing this. This is the six time in seven weeks you asked me to have them longer and I'm sick of it. It came to the point where I see them maybe for two days a week." Y/N was clearly angry at me. "We didn't even make rules for this. I'm sick of you never allowing me to do something with them." I screamed at her. "Are you fuckíng kidding me Michael? You have teenage twins each with a boy- or girlfriend and definitely better things to do than to hang with their parents. I'm not stupid! I know how they behave 24/7. Now please get out of my house and make sure my kids are back at mine 10pm latest or else you'll here from my lawyer." She pushed me out of the door and shut it angrily behind me. Maybe getting a lawyer wouldn't be that bad of an idea I thought to myself and drove of in my car towards my apartment.

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