Protective Single Dad 4/4

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This is not edited. Sorry for not updating a lot.

You've been dating Calum since a few months now but never met his daughter. He likes to tell you a lot about little Darcy though.
Today you had a stressed day at work. Nothing went the way it should have and you had to miss a date with Calum. You called him during your 5 minute lunch break and told him that you wouldn't make it. By the time you left the office it was 7pm already.
You came to your apartment but something was a little off. Why was the light on? Slowly you opened the door and walked in. There were toys spread all over your living room. All of a sudden there was a little girl with a high pitched laugh running towards you. She hugged your legs and hid behind them.
"Darcy this is not funny." Calum came around the corner with a stressed look on his face.
"Y/N, I didn't hear you coming." He was surprised.
"Well I walked in just now." He gave you a hug.
"Well I guess then you've met Darcy already. But little missy is not willing to go to bed."
"Yes! I've me her but Cal you do realise you're at mine and there is no baby bed, right?"
"I know, but my sister cancelled on me and no one else as able to babysit her so I thought I'd bring her with me and let her sleep in your bed because you sounded so stressed on the phone and I just wanted to see you." Isn't he cute.
Darcy was still standing behind your legs. You turned around and picked her up.
"Well maybe, Darcy wants to join us on the couch a little?" And so it was. The three of you cuddled up on the couch. Darcy wouldn't let you go at any second even when she fell asleep. Calum couldn't stop smiling because he knew you were the right one.

It was your day off and you decided to spend the day in bed. That's what you did up until a desperate call from Ashton reached you.
"Baby! I'm really sorry but my babysitter is sick and my mum is at work I have no one to pick up Jes from kindergarten." You could hear him rushing around the studio.
"It's ok Ash. I'm gonna pick her up and bring her home." A few weeks ago Ashton gave you the spare key to his place but you never used it. So far he was unsure about you meeting his daughter Jes because he never let anyone he dated meet her. You made it to her kindergarten just in time. It seemed like Ashton called them to tell that you were picking Jes up because the second the teacher saw you she walked over with Jes and handed her over. You thanked the teacher and picked Jes up.
"Hey Jes. I'm Y/N. Daddy couldn't make it today so I'm gonna bring you home." She nodded and smiled a little.
"Can we get ice cream?" She asked.
"Sure." Before driving her to Ashton's you bought the two of you some ice cream. At home Jes showed you all her toys and by the end of the day you sat on the couch together watching 'Frozen'. Jes was fast asleep. You so mesmerised by the little girl you didn't even hear Ashton coming home. But little did you know for him seeing you cuddled up on the couch with his daughter was the most amazing picture he could ever imagine to see.
"Was she a good girl?" You looked up at him. He came closer when you nodded and sat down behind you. With Jes still in your arms Ashton put a blanket over the three of you and turned out the light!
"Goodnight my precious family."

Luke loves his son. Theo is the light of his life and he couldn't imagine being without him. That is exactly why Luke didn't really date the last few months since he became a single dad. Theo was above everyone and everything and a girl would have to deal with that. A few weeks ago he met you at a store while shopping for some new cloths for Theo and it clicked almost instantly. Luke felt that you were something else. Different than all the other girls. So far you haven't met Theo though because first Luke wanted to be really sure you're the right one.
Today was the day though. Luke had invited you over to meet little Theo. As usual you knocked at the door and waited until Luke opened it.
"Hey baby." He gave you a kiss, took your hand and pulled you inside.
"Ok so, I'm really nervous. I really like you and I hope Theo does too because I'd die if he doesn't." You stopped him and brought him closer again to kiss him.
"It's ok babe. Everything will be fine." He hugged you and kept walking towards what you thought was Theo's room. He slowly opened the door and there he was. The little boy cuddled up in his bed.
"Hey Theo. Look who's here to see you." He wasn't sleeping just relaxing in his crib. Luke took him out and turned around so the baby boy was facing you. A smile spread across his face and almost instantly he started to grab your hair and play with it. Carefully Luke handed him over to you. Theo was smiling even more now. You stood there for a little while longer until Theo was really tired and Luke put him down to sleep. Later on the couch you were cuddled up with Luke.
"He likes you. Just as much as I like you." Luke couldn't stop smiling.
"To the moon and back."

Being a single dad of twins was hard. Summer and Dustin are good children but Michael sometimes struggled with having to do everything two times. When he met you for the first time the first thing he said was that he had twins and that he was struggling every now and then. You told hinge could always call if he needed any help but he never did so far. Little did you know it was because didn't want to bother you.
Currently you were in your bed but you couldn't sleep. Something kept you from falling asleep even though it was 2 in the morning already. You took your phone and called Michael. Maybe he was still awake. After a few rings he picks up.
"Y/N thank god you're calling. Summer is sick and I have no idea what to do. Now Dustin is up as well because he couldn't sleep with Summer screaming and OH MY GOD I don't know-"
"Michael stop. First you calm down." You got up and put on some cloths. Within seconds you're ready to go sitting in you car still trying to calm Mikey down. "I'm gonna be there in a few." You hung up the phone and drove as quick as possible. It took you only a few minutes to get to Michaels he was already waiting for you at the door with Summer in his arms.
"She won't stop crying and Dustin too and-"
"Mike it's ok I'm here give her to me and you gonna look for Dustin. Don't you worry." And that's what you did. Working hand in hand the twins where calmed down within 15 minutes and back to bed fast asleep within another 15.
"How did she stop crying?" He asked laying next to you in his bed.
"It was actually quite easy. I don't think she's sick. Her tummy just hurt."
"What would I do without you?"
"Probably still be running around your house with two crying babies." Not even a minute late you both fell asleep.

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