Moving in together 4/4

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So I decided to make the Mummy has a new boyfriend thing into a series and this is the second part to it. I hope you like it! These are the parts of it:
-Mummies new boyfriend
-Moving in together
-Be my Daddy
-"She said yes!"
-The day we've been waiting for
This is not edited :) Enjoy!

Calum was about to leave for tour and a few days back you decided that it would be easier if you moved in together. Both of your apartments would be too small for three people to live in so you had to go look for a new one. Thankfully you found one quite fast so you were able to move in before Calum left for tour. "Babe come and look at Darcy's room." Calum and Darcy had decided they'd decorate her room without you having a say. So they locked you out all day. Yours and Calum's room and the living room were done so you finished off the kitchen. You walked up stairs where Darcy and Calum where waiting both with paint all over their bodies. "Oh god I don't even wanna know!" Calum laughed and gave you a kiss. He had Darcy sitting on his hip. She took your hand and the three of you walked towards the room. "Before you see it and judge us. This is exactly what she wanted and asked me for. Ok?" You were a bit scared but nodded anyway yes. Calum opened the door and you were instantly mind blown when you saw the room. The walls were painted in a soft blue colour. Over the bed there were six picture frames with cute paintings in them. The bed was a little grown up bed that Darcy insisted on having and next to it there was a chair. The room design was held really simple but in an amazing way. You turned around to face Calum. "This is amazing. Really! I love it." He pulled you closer and gave you a kiss. Darcy was now playing with her toys. You took Calum by his arm and placed him on the chair next to the bed. At first he looked confused but when you sat down on top of him to watch Darcy play he relaxed and gave you another kiss.

You stood at the front door and looked at the house in front of you. This was your new home and you wouldn't want to have it any other way. It was still a bit messy but it was your new shared home with Ashton and your three daughters. He took them this morning to go see his mother. She became an amazing grandma to the three. You walked to the back and opened the patio doors. The girls had already been playing outside this morning before Ashton left with them. You cleaned up the mess they made and sat down on a chair facing the bus garden. Time passes and you didn't even hear Ash and the girls come back home. Suddenly three little bodies jumped on top of yours. "Mummy!" They all screamed. "Hey. Now we all calm down again." You laughed. Ashton sat down next to you and held your hand. "Did you enjoy your time at Ashton's mothers place?" Jas nodded and jumped off of you and onto Ashton. "She has a dog and Lauren and Harry played with us and we had an ice cream..." Lilian explained their afternoon to you. "Wait a moment. You had an ice cream without me." They all, including Ashton, looked at you with big eyes. "Maybe." Ashton said while the girls were now running away. Minutes later they were playing again with the toys you had put away hours ago. "I hope they were nice." You looked at Ashton who was watching the girls. He turned to look at you and moved closer to you so he could hold both your hands. "They've been amazing! Just like always." Now lie. You were happy. The girls accepted Ashton quickly and loved him just as much as you do. "Great. But now get up lazy ass. While you were gone I already cleaned the kitchen all of our bedrooms and now you gotta do the living room." With a sad smile he got up and pulled you with him. "Sure but you're going to help me."

"Can I come with you." Theo looked up at Luke who was about to leave with a car full of moving boxes. He had already put all of his stuff to the new house and now the next step was our stuff. It was only a little bit more than three months since Theo met Luke for the first time but he loved him a lot already. "Mummy please I wanna go with Luke." He looked at me with his best puppy dog eyes. I looked at Luke and he nodded. "Fine! Go and grab your shoes." Seconds later he was ready to go. "We'll be back in a little bit. We're just gonna bring these boxes to the new house and then come back for the rest!" Luke said and gave you a kiss. With that they drove off.
You finished the last bit of boxes in a little bit. For one last time you walked through the house. The only thing that was still in the house where a few boxes and you. Liam spender the day at Liz' place so he wouldn't have to be in the mid of all the stress.
The door opened and Luke and Theo walked back in. "You ready babe?" Luke asked and took the remaining boxes to the car. You walked out of the little apartment and closed the door for probably the last time. You walked over to Luke and Theo who've been waiting at the car. "This is it." He hugged you tight. "We're finally ready to go into our future together." You lifted up Theo and kissed Luke. "Let's go then." You three sat into the car and drove off to the new house you'd calling home from now on.

It didn't take the two of you long until you were really sure that you would want to spend every minute of the day together. So when Michael asked you about moving in together you were really happy that he wanted it as well. Michaels place was big enough for you and the twins to join him so you decided that looking for a new place was unnecessary. "Y/N where do you want me to put the toys?" Michael asked when walking in with three boxes full of toys. The twins room was not ready yet so you tried to put all their stuff somewhere all over the place. "What about your bedroom?" Michael put down the boxes and walked over to you. He hugged you from behind and kissed your neck. "Ours. It's not mine it's ours now!" You smiled to yourself. He was so cute. "I know it's just really weird to say that." He kissed you one more time then disappeared to put the boxes into the bedroom. "Is there any more stuff that we need to bring here from the old place?" You asked Michael when he walked back down the stairs. "The twins maybe?" You left the twins with your neighbour so you and Michael could move everything without having any stress. "Yes! The twins." Just as you turned around you realised that Michael was already gone. Not even 15 minutes later he walked in with the twins clinging to his neck. "Welcome to your new home babies." "Hey! We no babies!" Summer complained. As much as she was kind of shy at the beginning when it came to Michael she now loved him even more! "Well, still! Welcome home." He came over to you with the two and you chilled on the sofa for a while until you started to clear out the moving boxes!

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