The Truth

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"Jayla, I really wanted to tell you this, wait how much do you see Freddy still?" I asked.

 "Oh well not that much like once in awhile, but he's barely in my dreams for that long, about ten minutes at the most, why?" she said.

"Oh, just wondering, well anyways, I've known Freddy since I moved to this place." I continued,

"Wait what, why didn't you tell me that?" she asked,

"Because I thought you would look up to me to help Freddy get away from you, but I didn't know how I was myself and he didn't touch me at all." I finally finished.

"Oh, well no one ever escaped him, until you-," she said,

"So was that all the things you wanted to tell me?" she asked,

"No, but you will think I've totally lost it," I stated,

"Oh come on nothing can be crazier than saying your dreams are real to your parents," She said making us both laugh.

"Okay, well I hope you don't hate me-"

"I won't hate you" I just stared at her because she keeps interrupting my talking.

"Anyways, Freddy and I have been dating for almost two months," I said fastly, her hazel eyes immediately fall wide open, and she just looks at me. I blush in embarrassment because of how much I've been meaning to tell her for a month now.

"Really? This is what you haven't told me. How, how could that happen, how could you date a murder?" She was asking so many questions at once so I just blurted out and said,

"You don't understand he's a really nice and kind guy under his scars and knives, he really cares."

"How could he care when all he wants to is kill Y/n?" she stated harshly.

"Because no one cared about him as a child, no one understood him, he had to do something to not be bullied anymore so he killed them all off. He was Just like me Jayla, You should have been there." I couldn't help it I had to show her what he was truly like, but she still didn't believe me,

"Fine, you don't believe me, but he's a really is a good person," I said  as I stood up and went back to my bed, I met Freddy in my dream like usual and he really was nice and caring because he kept hugging me and kissing my neck, but when I told him about what Jayla said he just responded how he always did,

"This is why I only feel for you and not her, doll." I laughed a little and said,

"I love you too Freddy." And I kissed him on the lips.

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