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As I wandered deeply through the void of the mind.

Baring the ache of my own throbbing heartbeat.

Drowning myself in my own thought of becoming prosperous.

With my vision obscured by the darkness.

I discovered a faint light breaking through the shadows.

A small flame smoldering within itself.

I delved in its beauty.

Speechless as I stared a voracious hunger that grew within me.

A hunger for the warmth of this flame.

Steadily I traversed forward, toward the flame

With every step, I became closer.

As I approached the flame, I reached out my hand and felt the radiating heat.

Suddenly the fading flame burst with light and illuminated the black world around me.

The light twinkled, blending like watercolors to my iris.

I began to feel every trouble in my head disintegrate.

Every ounce of fear, every spec of doubt, and every thought of failure.

The luminescent glow enlightened me.

I had never felt anything like it.

And nor did I sense evil amongst it.

"Nothing shall sever us" I proclaimed to the wicked surrounding me.

I promise to kindle the flame never allowing it to die out.

As it brings me my future, and salvation.

My one illuminating flame.

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