Heathens ↣ Yandere!Phil

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N)?" Phil asks, confused.

"Shh!" You hiss. You hold your breath and quickly glance back at the lounge. When nothing stirs, you turn back around and continue.

"What are you doing?" Phil whispers. He has dark circles under his eyes, his hair is a mess, and the top few buttons on his blue button-up shirt are unbuttoned.

You can tell he hasn't gotten any sleep, either. But at least he gets to sleep in a separate room. You have to sleep in the same bed as a murderer.

You don't reply. You slip into his room and quietly shut the door.

"(Y/N)!" Phil hisses. "Dan could-"

"I don't care anymore!" You whisper-shout. You clutch the sides of your head and start pacing back and forth at the foot of Phil's bed. "I can't take living like this! It's been five days and I-"


You stop and look over at Phil.

"What?" You ask in confusion.

"Twelve days," Phil mumbles. "It's been twelve days."

You blink your wide eyes. Twelve days? You've been hiding Dan for almost two weeks? And you didn't even know it?

Your head spins, and you stumble backwards until you're sitting on the edge of Phil's bed. Your hand goes to your neck as you try to steady your breathing. Is this even real?

"Phil, I-I..."

"I know," Phil says. His voice is barely a whisper. He sits down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulder. You immediately lean into him. It feels good to be loved, actually loved, by someone other than a killer.

"I'm going insane, Phil," you say through gritted teeth. A knot has formed in your chest, making it hard to breathe. "My mind, it...it..."

"I know," he says again. He holds you closer.

Then, something snaps.

"I'm calling the police," Phil says solemnly. There's an edge in his voice, like he's joking and trying to sound tough. But this is no joke.

"Phil, you know we can't-"

"Yes, we can," Phil interrupts.

"They'll arrest us!" You argue. "F-for harboring a criminal!"

Phil looks at you, anger suddenly flashing through his eyes. "That's not the real reason you don't want to call, is it?"

You get up from the bed and start pacing again. "O-of course I want to call 999!" You whisper-shout, but your voice is shaking. You don't sound very convincing. "Why w-wouldn't I?"

"You still love him."

You stop mid-step. Phil's words hang in the air. Your breathing gets quicker, and your hand goes to your throat again.

He's right. A part of you still loves Dan. The Dan that was happy and funny and absolutely not a killer. During all these days, you had to remind yourself that that Dan is gone, but it was just too hard to wrap your head around.

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