Chapter 5: We Don't Have to be Ordinary

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"Why do I amuse you so much?" he asked, breaking me out of my observations. He sounded irritated again. I tried to be more serious, considering the fact that Damian didn't see how funny this was. When I met the glare of Daphne and her squad of cheerleaders, my mood immediately dropped. And of course, Damian noticed. Maybe he was secretly an empath, too. He seemed much attuned to the feelings and thoughts of those around him.

I could feel him watching me curiously as we headed to our first class. We found out we had the same schedule, though neither of us noticed the other before. Even with my hair shielding my face, the intensity of his green eyes seemed to burn me. "Why are you so quiet?" he asked this time.

I peeked at him from behind my hair. He was frowning, and instead of irritation, he was now... frustrated. Wow, this boy had mood swings worse than a cheerleader. "It's nothing," I replied, not wanting to explain to him the real reason. "I just... I mean, you didn't like me laughing at you..."

"No, something is obviously bothering you," Damian said, seeing through my lam eexcuse. "Tell me what it is."

"Let it go, Damian," I replied, rolling my eyes. Why did he care so much? "Why do you care so much, anyway?"

He stopped walking as soon as the words left my mouth, and his green eyes were a million miles away when I looked at him. Then he seemed to snap back to the present, and this time, his eyes were blazing with anger. "If you think I care about you, witch girl, you're wrong," he snapped before walking off at a much faster pace and leaving me in the hall. "I don't care about anyone."

As he rounded the corner and disappeared, and I couldn't help but stare. What was all that about? Underneath his anger, I could feel... uncertainty.


Who did she think she was? Me, caring for her? She didn't know me at all. If she did, she wouldn't have asked that question.

I left her in the hall, feeling my anger once again get the best of me. I don't know where Rachel was, but she wasn't in our classroom yet. Fidgeting in my seat, I glanced at the clock. Five more minutes before class started. Where the hell was she? She couldn't have gotten lost. We'd been going to class for a week now, so she would know where the classroom was. I was slightly more annoyed by the fact that she took so long to arrive, because Daphne- the Mayor's daughter- had taken the vacant seat beside me. Now I had to endure her staring at me for the whole class.

Finally, finally, Rachel walked into the room. When her violet eyes met mine, I felt something in the base of my stomach. It was slightly worse than a stomachache, and I wondered if I ate something bad at the diner I took her to for breakfast. God, what was this awful feeling? Then Rachel's eyes zeroed in on the girl sitting beside me, and I could see Daphne giving Rachel a triumphant smirk. Once again, Rachel looked at her feet and moved to sit at the back. I looked at the blonde girl sitting beside me as something clicked in my brain. So that's what was bothering Rachel.

A different kind of feeling started in my chest, almost like my heart was bursting into flames. This feeling I knew well. Anger. When Daphne saw me looking at her, she gave me a flirtatious smile. Oh, if she only knew what I was thinking, she wouldn't be looking at me like that. I glanced away from her and focused on the board, just as our teacher arrived. I couldn't wait for lunch.


Damian hadn't spoken to me since this morning.

I suppose it shouldn't have bothered me so much. He was bound to lose interest in me sometime. It's not like we were friends. And it's not like I wasn't used to being alone. Besides, Damian said so himself. He didn't spend time with girls. Even if I was a witch girl, I was still a girl, right? Right. I made my way to the cafeteria for lunch, wondering if I should even bother with food. Maybe I should just stay in the library and curl up with a book. It was always better than having to face so many people and get bombarded with their emotions.

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