Chapter Nine - The Phillips Sisters

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Later that evening, the family had changed into formal evening wear for the dinner party, and gathered in the state dining room. Inside, huge diamond chandeliers, which hung from the incredibly high arching roof, lit up the whole room. In the center was a dining table only a few feet shorter than the room itself, adorned with sets of gold candles, sparkling silver cutlery, delicate china plates and crystal clear wine glasses

The staff immediately started directing people to their seats as the party entered. Nan and Gramps were the first to be seated, at either end of the table, followed by her grandparents Charles and Camilla. When it came to Ellie and her parent's turn, Will was the one to pull out their chairs and place napkins in their laps.

"You love to spoil us, dear" Kate cheeked

Will smiled warmly as he took his seat next to Ellie, "Always" he said, adjusting his bow tie.

Ellie sat between them, wearing a knee length black dress with spaghetti straps, with a matching pair of heeled sandals on her feet. It was still pretty formal, but a lot less formal than the bright red dress she'd worn most of the day. Adorning her wrists were a gold bangle and silver charm bracelet, which jingled whenever she moved her hand, causing a few curious stares from around the table.

I could at least have worn some trainers, she thought, it's not like they'll be looking under the table and judging my shoe choice.

She glanced at her mother as they waited for the rest of the guests to sit, and for the food to be served. Kate was wearing a floor length black gown with lace shoulders and silver accessories, while her hair was tied back into a low chignon. Her father and uncle wore black tuxedos, and their preparation probably took a couple of minutes to complete in comparison to the hours the women had slaved over their appearance before arriving for dinner.

"It's because they don't know fashion like we do" her mother had told her.

"You mean they don't know fashion like you do." was her reply to that.

When the whole table had been seated, royals had been spread out across the table, so that every guest had someone interesting to talk to. Ellie was lucky that they kept parents and children together. Otherwise I'd be put between two old men who kept asking me questions I didn't understand. That would be Harry's doing, definitely.

Harry sat on the other side of the table, right in front of her. She desperately wanted to throw something at him for the earlier balcony incident, but she knew the best punishment would be to leave him at the dinner, surrounded by boring adults and getting a 'stern talking to' from her father.

Ellie leaned forward and looked down the table, and spotted two girls waving madly at her, both had strawberry blonde hair and were around the same age as her. When they caught her eye, they pointed down towards the table, and mouthed a few words.

"Under the table?" Ellie said in a faint whisper, a quizzical look on her face.

The two girls nodded eagerly, and Ellie leaned back and grabbed the tablecloth. She started to slide down under the table slowly, but her parents immediately pulled her back up into her seat.

"Nuh-uh" her mother wagged her finger, making Ellie feel like she was six years old again."Not this time, young lady. No more secret meetings under the table"

"But mum!" Ellie's shoulders dropped in despair "It's Savannah and Izzy, I haven't seen them in months"

"Then you can wait a little longer. You don't want to be rude to the guests"

Ellie groaned, "No, I don't" she said through gritted teeth.

When she leaned forward again and looked down the table, Savannah and Izzy both had the same defeated expression on their faces. Their parents, Peter and Autumn Phillips, sat either side of them just like her own parents. Both sets of parents formed a protective barrier around their children, allowing them to regulate the outside attention they received, whilst also making sure they stayed seated for dinner.

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