✍ @letmelivetonight✍

Start from the beginning

4. When,where,how and why you entered the world of writing? do you ever think of taking it as a career ? why and why not?

Jada: I started writing when I was really young – maybe elementary school, but I didn't get serious about it until about two years ago. I started writing because I loved reading and I figured, hey, why not write my own books too? I would definitely love to make a career out of it – mostly so that I can take care of my family, and share my writing with the world.

5. Give your hobbies, and favourites and things you hate. Give your strengths, weaknesses, pet peeves, hobbies, passion, dreams, desires

Jada: My hobbies are writing and doing puzzles. My favorite things are pistachio ice cream, piercings, and tattoos, and two things I hate are cooked carrots and driving on the highway. My passions (besides writing) are my family, and being a good mom, and one day, I dream about my books turning into tv shows!

pt2:State 25 random yet interesting facts about you and your characters.

Jada: A lot of Tyler's personality comes from my husband. Turns out, when you marry a reformed bad boy, they give you lots of materials for your writing. Also, the title of my book, War Zones and Paradise, comes from Zayn's Malik's Pillowtalk. That song totally symbolizes Tyler and Aaliyah's relationship, so of course I had to use it for the book. Actually, a lot of the book is influenced by music. Sometimes I'll hear a song and it'll inspire me to add a whole new scene.

6. Which authors are your inspirations? Which are your most fav and worst genres to write in and why?

Jada: and are two Wattpad authors who have really inspired my writing. My favorite genres to write in are romance and paranormal (that includes vampires, werewolves, witches, etc). My non-favorite genre would be sci-fi (just because I'm not very good writing about science-y stuff) – but I will definitely read it. 

Pt2: Create a recipe for the crush of your dreams? (Like two cups of kindness, 3 spoonful of hotness etc)(I know its tyler;)

Jada: You know me so well! My recipe – one killer smile, two v-cuts, add three cups of personality and three more for brains. Sprinkle that with several dirty jokes... and by golly we've got a five-course meal AND dessert! Damn I want this dinner now!

7. If you won a game show?? What would you want your winning prize to be and why??You have a magical phone that could call anyone from past, present or future who would it be and why?? Any three

Jada: If I won a game-show, I NEED a vacation. Preferably, Disney Land because, sadly, I've never been. And if I had a magic phone, I'm calling Ian Somerhalder, Shonda Rhimes, and that girl from third-grade who stole my Giga Pet. Yeah, I STILL want that back, Brittany!

8. What personal accomplishment you are most proud of and why?

Jada: I'm the most proud of my kids. They're the most beautiful things I've ever done. Doesn't get much better than that! That accounts for a big awwwww

Pt2: Disney time!!!< Give your fav Disney movie and why?

Jada: My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I think Belle is amazing, and I have a thing for bad boys, so of course I love rooting for the Beast. Come on lady stop making the kids jealous here.. . lol

< Fav character male and female. Why?

Jada: Princess Tiana is my favorite because of her awesome personality, and Aladdin, because he is way too adorable to even exist.

< If you could be one of them which it would be and why?

Jada: Princess, Tiana, definitely. I channel her every day. She has the drive, and the passion, and the kick-butt attitude that every girl needs!

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