Chapter 13

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School was over and honestly I was ready to go to tryouts. To prove to Asia that I can learn a dance in one day because I'm gonna be a professional model and cheerleader one day.

I went to my locker and got my gym bag out and walked to the gym. I walked in the gym and started stretching while other girls looked at me in disgust. Like I wasn't supposed to be there.

Asia came in with Destiny and Lady and made everybody run 30 laps this time. I started running and Lady ran with me as usual.


"Number 12!" I heard my number being called by Asia.

I walked up to the center of the floor and the music started playing and I did the dance what I thought was perfectly. I did the two cheers also what I thought was perfectly done.

"Thank you" Lady said

I smiled at them and walked off feeling good about my performance.


"I think we have our ladies for the team this year." Asia said

"But number 12 wasn't chosen" I spoke up

"I know." Asia said

"Why? She did everything perfect"

"Look, I know that's ya lil friend and all but she's not on the team. Me and Destiny said no so it's a no. Two against one."


"I don't like her" she shrugged

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Y'all can barley do half the stuff she did that good" I mumbled

"What?" Asia said

"Nothing. Girls! Come back to the center!"

The girls all stood in line

"There are 30 girls so when I call your number step forward." Destiny said

"Number 1, number 3, number 7, number 9, number 6, number 2, number 14, number 20, number 30, number 29, number 18, number 23, number 19, number 25, and number 13 are on the JV squad"

"When I call your number step forward." Asia said

"Number 4, number 5, number 8, number 10, number 11, number 15, number 16, number 17, number 21, number 22, number 27, and number 28 are on the Varsity squad"

I looked over at Yazmin and she looked so hurt.

"Thanks for trying out. Girls who made it practice starts Next week in the gym" I said.

I went over to Yazmin as she was getting her stuff

I really did feel bad. Yazmin was literally the best one out of everybody. Only her and one other girl didn't make it and the other girl didn't even know how to do a forwards roll so she didn't make it.

"Yazmin you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I didn't make it. It happens."

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