Chapter 40

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Excuse any typos.


I felt really bad for what happened yesterday with Lucas. I really didn't know him and Yazmin were a thing. Even tho she says they're not I know she wanted them to be. I was at a hotel right now with Jason. He's the king drug dealer in Atlanta but I didn't wanna tell Yaz that. I didn't know how she'd react to it.

I was gonna go back over her house for a minute and I wanted Jason to come. I looked over at the other bed beside me that he slept in.

"Jason wake up" I said

"Hmm?" he was half sleep

"Wake up. We're going to Yazmin's"

"Hell no" he said

He didn't really wanna see her. I don't know why. When we were kids they used to be so close. I can't believe she doesn't remember that.

"Why?" I asked slightly confused

"She's a fucking liar. How she not gon remember us when we literally spent every minute together before we got separated?! That's bullshit."

"Jason she-"

"Jazmin leave me the fuck alone." he went back to sleep.

I sighed. "I'll be back" I grabbed my keys and left.

he was being a real asshole right now.


I pulled up at Yazmin's and got out knocking on the door.

Lucas answered.

"Yazmin here?"

"Well damn. Hey to you too" he said

"Is she?"


I walked in and started to walk upstairs with Lucas following behind me and I felt him burning a hole in my ass.

"Take a picture it'll last longer" I rolled my eyes

"Sure would like to"

I looked an K at him and he bit his lip looking me up and down.

I'll admit....that made me feel good inside but I knew I couldn't because of Yazmin....

"Asshole" I rolled my eyes and then felt myself being pushed up against a wall.

"You got a smart ass mouth" he looked at me.

"So? Let me go" I rolled my eyes.

"Stop rolling ya eyes it ain't cute." I felt his hands rub my lower back and go further down and grab my ass.

he then put my hands above my head and kissed my neck.

"Lucas...." I closed my eyes.

This wasn't right. But it felt so good.

he kissed and sucked on my neck which gave me several hickeys. "Lu...Lucas..." I let out a small moan in his ear.

I felt him get hard.

"This is wrong...." I said lowly

he kissed me. I kissed back. Damn I was gonna feel bad later.

I felt him rub my pussy and then slip his hand in my Victoria Secret PINK new underwear sticking one finger in.

Did I mention I wear those underwear as shorts. Hell they look like shorts. And Lucas liked them so why not.

"Damn girl. You wet as fuck and you ain't got no panties on" he bit his lip kissing my neck again while pumping in and out with two fingers and rubbing my clit.

I moaned a little louder which made him kiss me to shut me up.



I heard noises so I peeped out my room and seen Jazmin and Lucas on each other. They were doing something nasty. he had her up on the wall and her legs was wrapped around his waist. Yeah they was doing something nasty.

I just closed my door and laid back down. She told me she wasn't gonna mess with him's fine.


I woke up and Jazmin was downstairs sitting with Lucas watching a movie. I walked downstairs and she tried to move away to act like they weren't on each other but Lucas pulled her back towards him and he kissed her.

I just walked in the kitchen. I was kinda tired of crying. Tired of being lied to. Jaz told me Jason was at school but I looked him up and he dropped out a while ago and now he's a big time drug dealer. Why would she lie to me about that? She probably hates me....Didn't know why everyone hated me so I kinda hate myself too.....

I grabbed a knife and hid it under my shirt and walked back upstairs very carefully. I went in my room closed and locked my door then went in my bathroom and closed and locked that door.

I sat on the toilet seat, looked at my arm, and started cutting until there was a massive amount of blood everywhere. I then stood up, but not without stumbling a little, and took a whole bottle of hydrocodone out the cabinet and took the whole bottle. I got in the already filled bathtub and just sat there. Fully clothed and everything. The water was warm. That's all I could think about at that moment.

Maybe everybody would be better off if I just.....died.

End of Chapter✌🏾️

Yazmin & Jazmin in mm💋💋

I will be making a sequel to this book very soon‼️

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