"What's wrong?" I looked at my side to see Aiden packing his stuff.

"Nothing. I just don't want to attend history!" I whined.

Aiden gave me a disapproving look before he sighed and smiled at me.

"You know, we both haven't had a soccer match in a while and I don't want to attend economics too. Bunk?"

I looked at him, horrified.

"Who are you and what did you do to my brother?"

Aiden rolled his eyes and tugged me by my wrist to the field. I looked around to see no one. Classes already started so no one was lurking around. I smiled mischievously at Aiden who looked up from his phone after sending a quick text to Asher.

"Ready to lose?"

"Bring it on, squirt!"

And that's what I did.



Aiden was winning by one goal. We both were doing turns. I was goalkeeping when Aiden had 30 balls to score and visa-versa. Just for the record, both of us are strikers not goalkeepers. Felix is our team's goal keeper.

I had a sudden urge to wipe the smug look off his face as I positioned myself correctly, despite my aching muscles. I took a few steps back and then ran to hit the ball. Aiden jumped to block it but it reached net just in time as the 4th period bell rang. I smirked and Aiden rolled his eyes before ruffling my hair.

"Great job."

"You too." I smiled and we both took off to our lockers to change our shoes and get our books for next class- AP Biology. I had Aiden in it with me.

I reached class before Aiden as we have lockers in different directions. Thank god, Mr Smith is always 5 minutes late. I took a seat beside window and reserved the adjacent one for Aiden. Rose waved at me when she caught my eye. I waved back half-heartedly. She opened her mouth to say something but Mr Smith entered followed by a panting Aiden. I bit back an amused chuckle.

"Any reason for being late, Mr Parker?"

"I-Locker-I-?" Aiden panted, helplessly.


"I didn't ask you the reason for your late entry, sir. So, I expect you to do the same with my brother." I gave Mr Smith a sickly sweet smile which was basically translation for- 'Don't mess with me'. He narrowed his eyes and tried to threaten me but I didn't back down. He averted his eyes first and nodded.

"Fair enough."

Aiden sat beside me with a grateful smile.

"I am assigning you, your partners for rest of the session." Everyone groaned, including me and Aiden. It was glaring obvious that we both won't be seated together as we both were toppers and thus, will be assigned with lacking ones. But I honestly doubt anybody lacking in AP Biology.

"There won't be any changes and arrangements will be final for rest of your session."

He took out a sheet from his binder and started pairing.

"Eva and Rayleigh"

"Robin and Cayden"

"Archer and Emily"

"Finn and April"

"Aiden and Bree" I laughed at Aiden's pain contorted face as he slowly stood up and made his way to awestruck Bree. She was smart, I will give her that but she was a total bitch. The typical ones with scissor instead of tongue and vagina that's used more than Google.

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