[Genji X Reader]- Jealous

Start from the beginning

"--nd so now I use this cream on all open gashes. Cool, right?" Mercy said, obviously having said something while you zoned out.

Unsure of what to say, you simply nodded. She seemed not to have noticed you spacing out, and stood up. "Your wound should be better soon. Also, whoever is out there, I want you to really go for it, Y/N. As soldiers we don't have a guaranteed life expectancy. Live for now."

And with that she seemed to glide from your room, soon leaving only the lingering trace of her sweetly scented perfume to accompany your new onslaught of thoughts.


Throughout the majority of the day you remained strictly in your room. Though it was rather bare and unlike your painted and poster-filled walls of home, you had come to like it. The dim sunrise would slowly awaken you in the mornings, and when you were lucky you'd get glimpses of the ocean in the mornings too- depending on what side of your bed you rolled off of upon awakening.

The room was painfully bright, colorless, and sterile. But, that's the way Winston liked the base, you supposed. Finally leaving your room, you noticed the same common theme as your room navigated through the base, hoping to lounge in the living room rather than your room. You were still in fuzzy pajama bottoms and a (favorite fandom) shirt, but it didn't really matter with these guys. No one really judged you here outside of your fighting skills.

Entering, you found numerous teammates gathered around the large holographic television. Winston sat absentmindedly eating peanut butter in the tire placed next to the large sectional couch which was almost completely deserted in the moment. Also standing was D.Va, Lucio, Pharah, Mercy, Reaper, and Bastion.

At first you were alarmed, fearing something terrible had happened and they were watching the news, but at the sound of a loud string of "gooooaaaal!" From it, you relaxed.

"Pay up." Reaper demanded, and the others turned to him.

"That's cheating! You... They couldn't have won!" D.Va argued. Slowly, the rest of the gathered group handed him assorted amounts of currency.

Most would think the team seemed to enjoy making bets on sports, but you knew it was really just a reason to keep things alive in the base. Not many urgent reports had been called in as of resent, excluding the Talon ambush you had experienced. Most everyone feared for the disband of the team once again.

Your gaze flicked back to the couch. The last person to be analyzed was Genji, whom sat on the couch watching the others. As your gaze flicked to him, it scampered back to the rest team whom were all handling the underdog's win.

You couldn't face Genji. No! You would never--

"Y/N, good afternoon!" Suddenly Genji's voice broke into your turmoil and with it your assumptions seemed to dull. Your face snapped into a too-happy uncomfortable grin.

"H-Hey, Genji!" You said, half-waving awkwardly.

You took a seat on the couch behind you after a long moment of silence between the two of you. Your hands clasped in your lap. The feeling of a reprimanded child almost swamped you. As if you wanted a cookie from the cookie jar but the cookie wanted to see other cookies. Prettier cookies. (But little did Reader-Chan know that they were the most GLAMOROUS bean of the land UwU✿)

If... That made sense.

Your stomach rumbled at the thought of food. You had almost forgotten to eat, as you had been in your room for most of the day.

Standing suddenly you exited the room swiftly, thankful for the escape of unspoken words. The words... Probably mostly coming from you.

Swinging into the kitchen, you thankfully found it empty. Letting your shoulders slump and your feelings simmer, you reached into the cabinet to get (favorite pre-prepared food). Standing up on your toes, you reached to the very top shelf.

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