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Alexander's Perspective

I gasped loudly for air a I leaned up. I was now awake. Immediately thoughts started rushing through my head.

Am I dead? Is this the afterlife? I'm supposed to be dead... the nurse told me to stay awake... Oh god, I'm dead...

I began to panic even more as I looked around myself. I was now in a dark room full of bunk beds, the only light was a huge sun roof that showed the stars. As I looked up at the sunroof I began to calm down a little, the stars looked beautiful at this time of night.

"Whoa..." I mumbled to myself a little as I stared at it. But it didn't keep me calm for long as I realized I didn't know where I was. It was time for my method of survival. "Sunroof..." I looked around the room for more things to notice. I looked down to notice I had been laying on the top of a bunk bed. "Bunk beds..." I slowly pealed the blanket off of me and put my hands on the side of the bed. I gasped a little as I jumped down, landing on my knees a little. I groaned in pain.

"Hard...floors..." I panted a little before standing up. I gasped again as I could hear a girl and a boy laughing from afar. I slowly walked to the end of where the bed was, looking over a bunk bed next to me. There were clearly other kids here, yet they were very far away from me.

It seemed to be a small group of kids, I assumed about five from the amount of bodies I could see.

"Can you two cut it out?" one laughed as the girl laughed even louder. Two of them, a girl and a boy where both jumping on the top beds. It was clearly a very dangerous thing to do but from what I could see they didn't mind.

"Jack! Watch this!" the girl responded before jumping up and doing a backflip. I gasped a little as she landed on her back and knocked the air out of herself. She laughed and began to jump again.

"Ashley you skank, you don't know nothing about doing back flips." the other boy laughed. He then jumped up and did a backflip. He landed on his feet and kept laughing.

"Aw Adrian! No fair!" I bit down on my bottom lip as I watched them. I was mortified as the girl jumping on the bed then turned to me and pointed at me. "HEY! HE'S AWAKE!" I gasped and quickly turned back as both of the kids jumped down from the beds and began to run towards me.

"Wait up!" I could hear the kid complain before begin to run with them. I began to breathe in and out heavily. I had never been so panicked before. I gasped loudly as I bumped into someone. It was a girl. I observed her for a few moments as I took several steps back. She had platinum blonde hair and green eyes, but they weren't green like Andrea's were.

Andrea's eyes were comforting. Andrea's eyes made me feel special, like I was the only person in the world that could see her eyes. Yet when I looked into the eyes of this girl, I couldn't feel more unsafe. Her eyes had a sense of danger and destruction. Like everything for her would crumble and end and she would bring everyone she knew along for the ride.

It naturally didn't help calm me down.

"What's wrong? Did I forget to sing to you again?" my eyes widened even wider. I shook my head as the kids came closer. I looked over my shoulder to see the other kids from before were now close to me. I backed away again and knocked into the girl again. She this time chuckled. "Clumsy today, aren't we?" I then felt myself fall to the ground, landing on my back. I could feel it coming in again.

The pressure. The crushing, crumbling anxiety that had controlled me and my life like a puppet. I felt similar to how I did the day I met Andrea... When the big kids were picking on me. I looked around a little. Andrea was clearly no where to be seen. Andrea couldn't save me now. "No... Andrea..."

THE WOODS (2/2) ;; LEX LUTHOR Where stories live. Discover now