Chapter 22: Kylie's Heart

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Am I allowed to beat the crap out of a royal guard? I"m a bit nervous with what she did say, he was looking way to smirkish for me to feel comfortable.

" Now, let me see...I will just give ye a brief version, and if ye have any questions just let me know, lasses."

I looked over at Felicia to see her reaction, and she seemed a little nervous too. That was definitely not a good sign.

"Me sister basically said that Kylie has had a wee bit of bad luck, which has gotten her into a bit of... let's say, crap. This goes to why she be having so many arguments with the fellows in her life, mainly being the Prince. Then, me sister went about telling about how she has a lot of fellows following her around wanting to be her man; however, Kylie doesn't seem to give a shit about any of them. Though, she does like the Prince it seems. And lastly, she mentioned the rumors about her being seen suck facing the prince. Or I guess a better term would be making out quite fiercely."


"Yes, Kylie? I be just translating what she be saying!"

Of course, Felicia and Sarah are now listening to every word, we are saying to each other, and I am too stupid to shut my mouth.

"Yeah, right! I think you added some in that translation, you barbarian! "

"The bloody hell I did! I be one of those fellows you give a shite about!"

I turn to Felicia, my temper barely under control.

"Felicia, we are so having a nice long chat when I get you alone! Stefan, you know that you're my best friend here! How could you think that I don't care about you?"

 "Because that arsehole Kian is your best friend not me!"

"That was before he started annoying me, and before I even met you!"

 I barely register Felicia talking.

"See, Sarah. This is what me means. She be carrying-on with some fellow right and left. It be hard to keep up with the lass, to be sure!"

Next I hear Sarah replying to the little bugger, I need to beat the shit out of.

"This is astonishing! My sister has a temper, but I rarely see her going after people with it. Usually only comes out when she is pissed someone said something about me or her family."

"Shut up you two! I can't think with y'all bad mouthing me!"

"So, Kylie. I be your best friend now? Does that mean I start wooing you like Kian has been doing? I get me a chance at ye, sweetpea?"

"Hell no! Stef , I'm losing patience with you! You know exactly where we stand. We are best friends; I just got Kian to stop acting like an ass, don't you dare start up with me!"

"Ah, sweetpea, stop getting your Irish all worked up. I know ye care fer me as a good fellow, not like ye be caring for that Prince of mine. The blasted lucky bloke has ye heart, that he does!"


"If ye say so, lass. I not be carrying-on with ye no more. Even though, I love looking at those sparkling eyes of ye's when ye get all worked up."

 I rolled my eyes at him; he can be mad one second then be flirting like crazy the next. He is such a player. Lord, I hope he finds him a girl that will knock him down a few. Shaking my head at him, I reached over and hit his arm. We joke around a bit, then I hear my sister yell at me.

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