Chapter 1

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Climbing the rank at Hyperion wasn't easy, though if you were an omega it always seemed a tad bit easier. With a simple sway of the hips and wink directed at the right executive Rhys was being promoted like he would have been if he were an alpha. He had the brains and the knowledge to work at higher taxing jobs but since his endotype was destined as an omega, he was left being looked down upon as lesser than those who were alpha or beta. Though, it wasn't that he hated it, he just wished for more. For someone to treat him like he was actually capable of doing things like anyone else.

Rhys had endured four years of high school with alphas sniffing around him as he shuffled through the hallways to get to each class, touching him, sliding their rotten hands across his body as he slipped by them. It then took Rhys five years of college, with an early graduation date, to get him his masters in systems engineering and another five months to get offered a cubicle position in Hyperion after an offhand interview. Vaughn, Rhys' best friend, was lucky to have gotten a response to his interview as well, they'd both been accepted and to the same department too.

Monday through Friday, Rhys had gone to work. He'd sat at his desk, turned on his laptop and read his emails. They mostly came from either Henderson, asking him to take a look at the Company's security system and the attempted breaches and if not that then it was Vasquez making a snotty remark on how Rhys had supposedly gotten in by flaunting his endotype around like the toy he was born to be. Rhys really hated Vasquez. The Beta had a way of getting him riled up in the worst of ways, making his blood pressure rise high enough to make Vaughn hover over him.

But Rhys couldn't blame Vasquez, he was right after all. Rhys had cozied up to almost every executive he could when he heard new positions were opening up. He'd first gone to Henderson, he'd brushed hands, batted his eyelashes and taunted his lanky legs off. Henderson had loved it all, soaking the image up with a hungry smile as he agreed to whatever Rhys wanted as he whispered sinfully into his ear, warm breath ghosting over his skin making goosebumps rise.

A week after that, Vaughn and Rhys had found themselves under a new boss, someone of higher ranking and neither of them could have been more surprised than when the boss announced Rhys would be acting as an assistant from then on and would start learning the duties as such.

Rhys hadn't been quite happy at first but once he told Vaughn, the shorter man couldn't stop going on about how that if he continued aiming for assistant positions he could reach the top of the ladder, he could be Handsome Jack's PA. Rhys of course had brushed that idea aside, he wasn't anything special, he was just another omega. Sure, he had his fair share of lovers, and eyes were constantly roaming over his body at work but he wasn't someone Handsome Jack would want to have constantly hanging around him. He could have anyone as his PA, why would he want Rhys? Vaughn had argued that Rhys was the sweetest smelling omega he'd ever scented before but Rhys held up his hand and shushed him. The topic had ended with that and they continued on with life at work until everything turned into a blur and days passed by like time wasn't real. Before either of them knew it a year had gone by and Rhys had become one the best assistants in the company and Vaughn was the head of the tech department.

"Rhys, there's a call for you on line one, would you like to answer it or have them call back later?" Vaughn had answered Rhys' office phone for him even though he was only visiting on his break, Rhys shrugged his shoulder but the look in Vaughn's eyes told him it was better to answer it now. He stretched out his flesh arm and made a 'hand it over' motion. The phone was placed in his palm, he circled his fingers around it and brought it up to his ear as he made a small tch'. Rhys wondered why the person hadn't bothered to just call his Echo.

"Hello, this is Rhys Baker speaking, whose acquaintance do I have the honor of making?" He asked pulling out his work mask with quick inhale of air. Vaughn gave him a thumbs up from the side, Rhys rolled his eyes at him.

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