Preference 172- You loose a family member

Start from the beginning


It was 4 a.m. when you got the phone call. You and Niall had a long day so when your phone rang, both of you jumped awake and groaned. You groggily reached over and felt around for your phone. When you found it, you picked it up. “Hello,” you answered with a tired voice. “(Y/N)?” “Mom?” you said, waking up a bit. “Is everything okay?” Niall was more awake now too. “(Y/N), it’s your dad,” your mom chocked out. “What? What about dad?” you said full out panicking now. You sat up in bed and flung the covers off you. You listened to your mom’s sobs as you went to the kitchen, Niall following behind. “Honey, your father had a heart attack tonight. He’s gone.” When she whispered the last part, your fears were confirmed. “No! No mom! You’re lying!” You were literally screaming into the phone. “I’m so sorry baby girl! I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know when the funeral is.” She took in a shaky breath. “I love you.” And hung up. You hung up the phone and threw it away from you. You were sobbing and it felt like you couldn’t stop. Niall rushed over and picked you up. “Princess! What happened?” he asked, holding you and stroking your hair. “MY DAD! HE’S FUCKING GONE!” you screamed. “I DIDN’T EVEN GET TO SAY GOODBYE!!!” You got up from Niall and went to the picture of you and your father taken a couple years back. He was your best friend and he literally meant the world to you. You picked up the picture and clutched it to your chest. You dropped to your knees and kept crying. Niall came over to you, crying as well. “Why are you crying,” you choked out. “You’re upset so I’m upset,” he whispered. “You know it hurts to see you like this.” You cried more and Niall held you. That was all you needed was to be held. An hour later, most of the tears subsided and both of you sat there sniffling on the floor. Without a word, Niall picked you off the ground and brought you back to your bedroom. You still had the picture of your dad in your hands so Niall gently took it and placed it on the table next to your pillow. He then tucked you in and slid in next to you. Automatically, you curled up into his side. “I miss him,” you whispered. “It’s okay (Y/N), I know,” he comforted. “Now let’s get some sleep. I’ll call the studio tomorrow. I’m gonna stay with you for a while.” You nodded because you needed him now more than anything. “I love you Ni. Thank you.” “I love you princess… forever and ever.”


It happened when Zayn was on tour. Your baby sister who had just turned three had died because of complication with internal bleeding. You felt so alone and all you wanted was for Zayn to be there and tell you it was going to be okay but that wasn’t possible, seeing as he was in America on tour. You had cried for hours when you got a text from Zayn himself. ‘Hey babe… I got free time and I wanna see your face, Skype?’ You quickly typed okay as a response and attempted to clean yourself up as much as possible before seeing Zayn. When the call came in, you hit accept and there was your amazing boyfriend. ‘Hey babe!” He smiled through the screen. You forced a small smile. “Hey.” “How’s everything back home?” he asked casually. “Oh, you know… normal.” But things were far from normal, and Zayn could sense that. “Are you sure? You look upset. Is everything okay?” You could feel the tears coming and you sniffled while shaking your head, giving up trying to act okay. “Boo? Please tell me what happened…” You broke and told him everything from getting the news to how you spent the whole day crying. When you had finished Zayn had tears streaming down his face and his jaw was tense. “I’m so sorry (Y/N)… I should be there with you. UGH!” He was getting frustrated. “Zayn… please calm down,” you cried. He look at you and sighed. “I’m coming home,” was all he said. “No Zayn, you can’t your job-” “Forget about my job. You need me more okay?” You couldn’t protest. You really did need him. “I’ll see you in a couple days boo. I love you.” And the screen went black. Suddenly you felt all the sadness come back and you fell asleep crying. The next morning, you woke up to see someone was beside you. Zayn. His eyes opened and he shot you a sympathetic smile while brushing a piece of hair out of your bloodshot eyes. “Hey sweetheart, sorry I didn’t wake you. You just looked like you needed rest.” You nodded understandably and then snuggled up to him. You felt so worn out from all the crying. Zayn placed his arms around your body and kissed your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips. “I’m here now so don’t you worry. I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered in your ear before pulling you closer.


You and your boyfriend Louis were visiting your grandmother. She was getting older but always managed to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. She had set out a bunch of snacks and the three of you were sitting around the table just having a good laugh. She went to stand up to go get some more drinks when she stopped in her tracks. “Grandma, are you okay?” you asked, standing up to help her. Suddenly her hand flew up to her chest and she started gasping for breath. You quickened your speed by 110% and made it to her just as she was about to collapse. You caught her now limp body and placed it gently on the ground. Your CPR training kicked in as you began checking the airway for blockage. Louis had pulled his phone out and was calling 911. As you continued breathing for her and doing chest compressions, you began to get tired but refused to stop. “Baby,” Louis started but you cut him off. “No, Louis, I have to keep going.” He sighed and let you continue. The paramedics showed up 5 minutes later and Louis had to pull you away. You watched as the paramedics worked on trying to get your grandmother’s heartbeat to start up again, but after half an hour of work, they confirmed the time of death and wheeled her into the ambulance. It seemed as if everything went silent. You couldn’t hear the sirens turn on and you couldn’t hear Louis calling your name. All you saw was her body being taken away and Louis’ tear-filled eyes. Reality finally began to sink in and you full out lost it. “Louis!” you cried and he rushed over to you and took you in his arms. He held you in a death grip and you cried and cried. You don’t know how long you were standing there but you knew when you pulled away, you needed to leave. The atmosphere was closing in around you and you could feel yourself panicking. Louis noticed and grabbed you tighter, leading you out of the house and to the car. “(Y/N)? Baby, we’re outside, I need you to breathe for me okay?” You began taking deep breaths and eventually calmed down enough. “Take me home Lou…” He gave you one more protective hug before buckling you in and hopping in the driver’s seat. He held your hand for the rest of the ride, knowing that his presence would help you in this depressing time.

AN: I cried through all of these....I have panda eyes from my mascara. I didn't get to bed till 2am yesterday...well actually today cause yeah I'm so tired and I just want sleep but I have to go drive. 

So there are only 6 more preferences left in this book.....yes I know sad..but then you guys can actually read my writing and my preferences and let me know if they are actually any good. I have put alot of effort into them and they take a few days to write because of the amount of different situations I have to come up with. 





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