Being Stood Up Has Advantages

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Word Count: 1132

Triggers: No

Note: I am American. Keep that in mind during every chapter.

Description: Phil gets stood up yet again by his douche of a boyfriend, but luckily a brown eyed teen comes to save the day.


"So where are you going?" Chris smirked from the couch. I gave him a sly glare and slipped on my jacket over my shoulders. "The cafe across the street. I got another date." I heard Pj whistle from his room. "Get em!" He shouted.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet, and walked out of the building.

It was the beginning of fall; one of my favorite seasons. I like how the leaves crunched beneath my feet, the smells of cinnamon and coffee, also the vibes were really nice.

As I neared the entrance to the cafe, something felt a bit off. I merely brushed it off and just walked into the small store. I took a seat at the back corner booth. Taking a glance around, I didn't see my boyfriend, Jeremy, anywhere, so I decided to text him.


Phil: Are you on your way?

Jeremy: Ya

Phil: How far until you're here?

Jeremy: Soon


He wasn't the best with texting but I trusted him. I mean we've been dating for a little over six months so I got used to his texting and him always being a bit late to the date. Ha, that rhymed. Anyway, I could learn to just come later too but I seem to forget every time.

Then, a waitress came over to me with a kind smile and asked me, "Anything I could get for you, sir?" I politely shook my head. "Not yet. I'm waiting for someone."

She nodded and walked to the next table to serve them. It was only about noon that we were suppose to meet and usually Jeremy is maybe ten minutes late at most. I could wait. I just deicded to play CandyCrush for the next ten minutes while I waited for him.

By the time I looked up from my phone, the time was 12:20. Should I text him again?


Phil: Where are you?

Jeremy: Chill babe ill be there in a sec

Phil: Hurry please.


I sighed and moved on to the next game.

I had just died in FlappyBird when I heard, "Have you thought of anything?" I looked up to see the same waitress, who I had also just noticed by her name tag, she had a name. Wow. Who would've guessed. A name. Melanie.

"No thank you. But I will let you know when my date gets here and we're ready." She gave me a small confused look before grinning and once more, walked away.

I think people were starting to notice the guy in the corner alone, playing on his phone, saying someone is coming but really, he just needed to get out. They're probably right.

It had been one hour since I arrived and now Jeremy won't even answer my texts. I would've been notified if he got in a crash 'cause I was his emergncy contact, but I know that's not true because when I text him, it says 'read'. I mean who the hell does that?!

The little jingle of the front door bell sounded which made my eyes look up from my phone. There stood a guy about my heigh, brown fringe, same haircut might I add, wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans. Was he not cold? Why did I care first of all?

Our eyes locked. The world seemed to fall silent. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, until he looked away. Good, because if the world does that for you when you look at someone, something is wrong.

I saw the bouncy blonde curls make their way to me. Melanie.

"Sir, you've been here an hour. If you cannot order something then I'm going to have to ask you to exit." She said in a stern voice, making heads turn our direction. It also happened to spark the attention of the brown-haired boy that just walked in.

The waitress was waiting for an answer at the exact same time the boy mouthed to me, "Just go with it." I didn't even have time to think about what he meant before he waled over here and exclaimed,

"I am so sorry I'm late! My brother was having a panic attack and my parents weren't home. I would've called you to tell you I was going to be late but I didn't know where my phone was and if I left my brother's side for one moment to find it, he would've burst! I was just hoping you would still be here by the time he calmed down."

A million pounds seemed to be lifted off my shoulders when he said that and sat across from me. "Iced vanilla mocha, please." I ordered.

Everyone was kind of shocked that someone actually came. Of course I didn't know shit about this guy but still, burn to them. Also that it was a guy. I'm glad he got the gender right. I mean is it that obvious I'm gay?

"Pumpkin spice latte." The boy told her. He must have a Tumblr then. She gave a small nod and walked to the counter. I looked to him and just broke out into a grin. "I just- thank you."

He shrugged. "It's no biggie. I'm Dan by the way. Like damn without the 'm'." I laughed. "Very educational. But I'm Phil." We shook hands for a split second. "Is it obvious I'm gay or did you just walk over here?" I asked him honestly.

"Not obvious at all. I took the chance with a cute guy and he's okay with it. So Phil, who stood you up?" He questioned, completely ignoring the fact that he called me cute. He might've skipped over that part but a light pink blush made it's way to my face.

"My uh, boyfriend. It's like the fifth time this month. I honestly have to break up with him. But enough ranting about my life, tell me about yours. You have a boyfriend?"

He flushed and shook his head. "N-no.."

"Would you like one?"

His eyes grew to the size of the moon. "I'm sorry- pardon?" He questioned. I got out my phone and quickly sent a text to Jeremy.


Phil: I'm breaking up with you. Sry

Jeremy: WHAT?! WHY?!

Phil: You're not worth the explanation. Do me a favor and lose my number thanks.

Jeremy: Phil. Don't do this.

Phil: Jeremy. Stop texting me.


I blocked his number and looked back towards Dan. "I said, do you want one? Obviously you're adorable and have a kind heart. I'm sure if I got to know you more and you got to know me, we would work. Don't cha think?"'

A small smile appeared on his face. "Yeah..I think that we would. Well then this is so far a very good first date."


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