life and death

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let me break it down to you.Your going to die,everyone's going to fucking die one day what's important is leaving your mark on the world,leaving it a better place then it was before and that's exactly what I intended to do.

after I left the hospital I couldn't handle being on my own,the pain and grief was too much for me.I felt like I had abandoned the one guy who loved me for me and let my little brother down,I started using.It wasn't a pretty sight I would spend days,nights getting high,going to bars,doing god knows what with god knows who,the old me the one who wanted to "change the world" had simply vanished into thin air along with the rest of my dreams,I saw the world for what it truly was a cold hard place where the good suffered and the bad spent their days extravagantly.

San-Francisco 2008.

One night,when I was walking out of a bar I felt dizzy and nauseous,I didn't know it then but I had been roofied.

I woke up in a small room my hands handcuffed to a bed,my clothes ripped.I looked around the room and I saw dozens of other girls,just like me,confused,lost and most of all scared.A man with big green eyes and a mustache walked in,he called himself "our new boss" and let out a big laugh.He walked towards,astonished he called a man on the phone and walked back towards me "oh look who we have here,I knew I would find you piece of shit one day" I then realized who that man was,it was David,the man that had started all this,the man who my little precious angel was scared of,dad.

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