chapter 8

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Alyssa's POV

do you ever look at yourself and think "what the hell is wrong with me" why am I like this? why I can't stop crying why can't i ever do anything right and then you think about all the people out there with real problems and it just makes you feel worse because you think you don't deserve to feel this way,you think you don't deserve to want to curl up in bed and cry so much that your eyes are all red ,you think you don't deserve to feel like you'd rather be hit by a car then live another day.

Sam's POV

I've been really sick for the past few days,it's been exactly three weeks and four days since me and Alyssa ran away from that place,it feels different but I feel safe because I know Alyssa's with me.We can't go back because we know what our "dad's" gonna do to us,we can't tell the cops because they won't believe us,we don't have anyone besides each other and that's all I really need,my big sister.Alyssa doesn't know how sick I am or what's causing my sickness and neither do I.My head won't stop hurting and Im having nightmares about my father finding me and cutting me into little pieces and throwing me in the rubbish,I don't tell these dreams to Alyssa,I don't want to be any more of a burden on her.

Alyssa's POV

Sam's getting worse....I don't know what to do or how to get help so far I've been stealing fruits from various shops and water too,but it's not enough to make us go by and none will give me a job,when people look at me they see a worthless teenager with no future ahead of them,I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people that walked by me and Sam laying on the street would think of me as a teenage girl who had sex and got pregnant and couldn't take responsibility for her child.None thought about what kind of person u really were,it didn't matter,all that mattered was what people wanted to see you as,I had learned that the hard way.Sam was sleeping and he was crying in his sleep,he needed medicine,he was getting too sick.There was a shop close by to where we were sleeping it was still open,so I went in and got the medicine I knew he needed hoping none would catch me stealing it,I felt horrible and guilty but I didn't have any other option."STOP RIGHT THERE" a heard a strong buff man shout out at me,I panicked he grabbed me and took me to an alley."why--did u bring me here" she whispered to terrified to speak."your a thief...and thieves need to be punished" he said moving his hands all over her body "and you've got great breasts too" she slapped him hard,this made him mad "so your a naughty one aren't you?" he said kissing her neck she pushed him away with tears in her eyes she knew what this was and she knew she wouldn't get out of this no matter how hard she tried he was just too strong."your going to enjoy this you little slut" he said as he forced himself unto to her none heard her screams none helped her after he was done he just left her there.....naked.

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