a coward

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okay so I know this chapter is very late I was having writers block but I finally know what to write and so this chapter will be a bit longer,this is by far the most intense chapter yet.

"GET OUT" Alyssa heard someone shouting and quickly shut the phone whispering goodbye to Jake.oh look he's home Alyssa thought to herself,David picked up Sam with one hand and had a bottle of alcohol in the other."leave him alone" David turned out to see Alyssa in the hallway,"what did you say to me?" "leave him alone or I swear to god I will-" "you'll what? hit me? you think a skinny piece of shit like you can hurt me?" he moved a little closer to her,laughing her,mocking her.She wouldn't let him do this not again,slowly while he was still talking she moved towards the baseball bat outside Sam's room,picking it up with her hand and smashing it into David's head.He fell down with a bang she knew she had to get out before he woke up she had to get away she had no choice."Sam we have to go" "go?" "it isn't safe here anymore,we can go someplace safe just me and you" "okay" she was trying to reassure him even though she was panicking on the inside.Picking Sam up she ran like she had never ran before she ran for herself for her brother and for her future.

It had been two days since her and Sam had runaway from home well it had never really been home but that is what she was supposed to call it,wasn't she?.Alyssa knew her father would be looking for them and she knew that if he would found them he would hurt them.Sam was sick,they had a piece of bread and water and that was it,they needed food and they needed it now.

Jake's POV

Where was Alyssa? it had been two days and she was nowhere to be found.Her parents were going crazy and I had no idea where her and Sam had gone,what if she had runaway? what would happen to her? It wasn't safe,gosh I wish she had told me I would've went with here.Printing some posters from the printer I spent the entire day asking pedestrians if they had seen her so far none had.Days passed and there was no sign of her,I was getting impatient and really fucking worried."where the fuck were you?" my dad said as I got home late."nowhere" "don't give me your attitude I'm your father" "no,your a coward who takes out his anger from hitting his son and you know why you do that? BECAUSE YOUR A FUCKING COWARD NOT A MAN A COWARD".

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