chapter 17

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(A/n) that picture is me genuinely meeting caspar except with my face blocked out. He was so worried about me because I freaked out a lot and it was really cute!


I think she's going to go into a massive long story about how she met certian people.
"So I met Tyler Oakley, he was nice and all but I wanted to meet more people. I ended up going on Caspar's book tour and I'm surprised none of you have seen it really. I have Caspar's book, signed by him and his mum." I think we're all a bit shocked at that.

"Then my next mission was to try and meet either of you three. Joe would have been most possible so it was him. You went on tour for the second book and I went to meet you. So basically the reason I said that was because I had met you both already. As well as Tyler Oakley."
"So we've met before then? That's strange!" Not as strange as the photo I'm about to show them.

"What's this then?"
I showed it to her. I think she's embarassed again.
"Fangirl moment." The photo was a screenshot she took of Jack retweeting her tweet.
"I freaked out a lot that day! My mum didn't understand what was happening so it was really awkward. But yeah you retweeted my tweet and I had to take a photo and post it to all the social media I had at the time. I was a massive fangirl back then if you didn't realise..." We all just laughed at her.

"Yes but you were a cute fangirl." Jack kissed her on the nose.
"Well if you were a cute fanboy that would be even better. Because then we'd be a perfect match."
"You guys are already a perfect match! What are you on about?" Joe exclaimed to them. I agree, they're perfect for each other.


I continuously found photos throughout the rest of the evening and made Lauren explain them. I think I may have walked in at the wrong times, but I risked it to show her and Jack. They're now sat together editing the video. And when I say sat together, Jack's sat on the chair and Lauren's on his lap. I think they're messing about more than editing. Good job the video doesn't need to be up tonight because that sure as hell aint happening!

I do find them cute though. They seem to be the perfect match for each other. Jack's also accepted the fact that if that baby isn't his he won't mind too much. But he's also said that he will care for that baby every opportunity he gets. If he can't be the actual dad he'll be the stepdad! I can see him being a good dad to that baby. Their little boy is going to have the best parents. I can't help but think about it and smile to myself. Imagining them being parents is strange but all too soon its going to become real

(If i could go back in time i would tell myself to write a fucking a/n!!)

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