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Journal: Page Trois

27 july 2009             9:40 pm

Ellie's room

Ellie was a train-wreck.

She simply hugged me to her chest and cried. And cried. And cried. And cried some more.

And as every drop touched the marble floor, I felt a little piece of my heart crumble. She was nearly squeezing my guts and all I could think was how everything was my fault. She latched onto me like I was her lifeline, the only thing keeping her from slipping into oblivion, yet she had no idea how it was affecting me.

She smothered me with tears, tugs and little whispers of 'Marcus'.

Marcus, the boy I was, and yet wasn't. The boy I simply couldn't be.

I wanted to speak, scream at her and make her see me. My soul ached to shake her and make her believe in the truth. There was nothing wrong with me. I was here. Right here. Why couldn't she see that?

But all I could do was simply stare at her through my glassy eyes. I felt useless. She was begging me and all I did was sit still like stone. I couldn't even offer her human comfort, because heck, I wasn't even human!

Ellie wanted-no-needed the Marcus I was before. The Marcus I felt disconnected from.

Reality has a funny way of messing with your head. Right when you think you've hit rock bottom, it opens up a basement.

I thought the worst thing that could happen to a teddy was being alone and forgotten. That had hurt. But her tears? Her unsaid words? They brought a whole new meaning to the word pain.

What had happened to me? Why was she crying tears of my name? My heart stopped as I thought of the possibilities. If I was here in Ellie's teddy, where was my body? What happened to it?

I could hear the pattering of rain outside. The weather mirrored the mood inside the room. The room which was once the storehouse of everything lovely, everything happy and simply everything alive. A dull gloom now covered everything. Everything had lost it's charm.

Ellie's pink walls mocked her happy childhood.

The toys scattered around sneered at me, reminding me of my current position.

The numerous photo frames ridiculed my human days.

That was how the entire day went by. In a blur. Both, Ellie's tears and my morbid thoughts never ceased.

That's when I learnt my first lesson. Time doesn't heal. It simply puts a band-aid to cover the hurt. And if that isn't enough to stop the pain, you never heal. You just get used to the pain.

Ellie was mourning her lost brother.

But I knew Marcus was alive.

I was mourning for something different.

I was mourning the death of the Marcus I could have been.

I was mourning the death of the Marcus I could have been

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[Note added on 4th April]

The Marcus I was ripped apart from.

Ellie's Marcus.

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