Bonus Chapter #1

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~Blandon's P.O.V~

In some cases, I would have let this one off the hook. But not this case. I have let too many of them slide. It's my turn to put my foot down! I need to do this on my own, and not always have my big sisters always fight my battles.

"C'mon Wolfe, just one glance." Thomas Gilson nudged my arm.

I closed my books, furiously threw them in my bag and stood up. I flexed my muscles I was hiding under my baggy t-shirt. At the gesture, Thomas stood up and did the same.

People at their tables were gaping at us and heard some people gasp.

Yes, this must be a suprise to all these people. I mean, I'm known as the nerd at Dixon High. No one would expect that a junior would ever pick a fight with a senior.

Today, I am feeling this sudden rage that I've never felt before. It's building up inside, and itching to come out and show others what exactly it can do.

And that's exactly what it was gonna show to Thomas Gilson.

As others stopped eating their lunches with all their cliques, I threw a swing at Thomas. He saw it comming and dodged it.

He took me by Suprise and threw a punch at my stomach. I bent over on impact, but that's not going to be the ending move. Far from it.

I recovered and kneed him in the nuts. He quickly retracted and groaned.

I took advantage of his state and pushed him down so he was on his back groaning. I went in for one more punch as a teacher came to split us up.

I knocked Mr. Write right out. That's when I realized what I did.

I looked over Thomas, he was in pain because of me- the school nerd.

I ran my hands through my light brown hair and paced back and forth.

Everyone was staring and looking at me like I had just killed a man.

Wait! Did I? I quickly look over Thomas, and I felt his neck where his pulse was. His heart was still pumping and relief washed over me.

I felt a sudden hand on my back and I screamed.

Yes, screamed. High pitched, little girl scream.

I turn to see Bishop- my best friend- wide-eyed and scared, staring at me. Scared. I was the reason that my best friend was scared. I caused it all.

"Dude, y-you okay?" Bishop studdered.

"Yeah." I stood up from 2 bodies laying on the ground. "Let's get out of here." I grab my backpack and fast walk out of the cafeteria and head to the parking lot to my car.

"Just pointing out," Bishop sat in the front seat. "The school security sucks!"

I chuckled at his attempt to change the subject.

"And the teachers can't even take a hit." I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'm surprised that you can throw a hit." I knew this was going to come up.

I sighed and looked between him and the road, "my dad taught me all these fighting moves, and we practice them like every weekend."


"I don't know, but today I felt this thing, almost like rage, come out and try to 'control' me."

"Right man, you've gotta stop hanging out with the stoner guys. I think that you inhaled some of the stuff." He smirked/grimaced at me.

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