11. Skateboard

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~Ethen's POV~

After that fight with Tim, I started thinking, what happens now. I'm defiantly not accepting him as my friend. I may be forgiving, but not that forgiving.

Technically I didn't fight him. All I did was take a punch and duck. So he actually did all the damage himself.

"Hello . . ." I saw a hand wave in my face. I followed the arm until my eyes met with brown ones. Lexi and I were studying for our Chemistry project. She asked if we could go to my house because he sister was in mood. Or something like that. So she insisted that she will drive over so she can get use to the streets. I still can't get over the fact that she had her first kiss with Tim almost a week ago.

"Ya, sorry. Just thinking." I huffed and criss crossed my legs on my bed. I decided to go I to my room -with my door open- so my mom wouldn't bug us.

"About what?" She put down the pencil she was holding in between her fingers.

"Tim." I said staring at some random hung posters. Some baseball, basketball, and even football.

"What do you think is gonna happen to him there?" Tim was recently transfered from this school called Brick high. He is also taking anger management. We went to go see his mom one time, and she told us that he had just started getting off his pills the day he fought me. They were anger reducer pills that helped keep him calm. But the doctor had said that it was ok for him to get let off. But apparently not.

"I don't know. But I hope it isn't too bad." Brick high is known for being the school of trouble makers. So the teachers are extra hard on them. They have to be. They have no choice. Its the only way that the students will learn.

"Ok. So did you get the poster done? It needs to be done in a couple of days if you want to start the actual project." She's so demanding. She wasn't like this until about a week ago. When Tim attacked.

I think that that has changed all of us. Except Malory of course. But still, I don't know if its for the worse, or the better.

"Ya its in the garage. Can we do something fun now?" I stood up, excited to do something of my choice this time.

"The sooner we get this project done. The more fun stuff we can do." She stayed put looking at her laptop.

"Please. Just for today. I promise. Tomorrow we can work all you want. Just can we have a fun day please?"

"Ugh. Fine. But we are going to do work tomorrow." She pointed at me then stood up. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her down stairs and out the door and to the garage. I let go of her hand, "stay here. Its a surprise."

"But I don't like surprises." She wined.

"Just stay there." I backed into the garage, and pulled out something I haven't token out for so long there was dust all over it. I blew off the dust and brought it out so Lexi could see what I'm gonna maker her do.

"A skate board?" She crosses her arm over her chest.

"Ya. And your gonna learn how to ride one."

"Ok. I've always wanted to try one out." She uncrossed her arms and came closer so she could examine it.

"Do you know how to ride one?" She continued to examine it.

"Of course I do. Do you think that if I didn't know how to ride it myself that I would teach you?" She just shrugged in response.

I started doing some stunts in the road. There wasn't any cars on the street so I took that to my advantage and started practicing on he road. I admit, I was showing off a little to Lexi. But she just looked so impressed I couldn't help myself.

It was getting really hot out so I took off my shirt when I was done practicing and walked over to Lexi. "Whoa"

She covered her eyes with her hand. But I did catch her peeking through her fingers. I smirked and set the skateboard on the ground in front of her. "C'mon. You know you like it." I walked closer to her teasingly.

"In your wildest dreams." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I like that song!" I started humming the song Wildest dreams by Taylor Swift.

"What?" I forgot that she doesn't like pop. She likes country.

"Never mind" I stopped humming it and took her by the waist and hoisted her up in the air and set her down gently on the skateboard. She screamed when I picked her up in the air. But settled down when I placed her on the skateboard. The skateboard shifted a little under her feet so she grabbed onto my arm. Very tightly might I add.

"Its ok. I'm here. Ok so place your right foot here. And your left foot here." I bent down and grabbed each ankle and placed it where it should be. She held onto my shoulder.

"Now what?" She said once I stood up.

"Ok so first, your gonna have to let go of my arm." She hesitantly let go of my arm. "Then you have to balance your self. Then once your ready you have to kick off the ground with your dominant foot and you glide." I said simply.

"are you ready?"

"No." She looked worried.

"C'mon you can do it. I'll be with you the whole time." I said encouragingly.

I grabbed her waist. And she kicked off after making sure that she was stable. We went only about 10 feet into the road. She hopped off when it started to shift. Luckily I caught her. Shes pretty light.

"Sorry" she untangled from my grasp. I caught her looking at my exposed abbs. But she quickly looked away knowing that I saw her. You could see the lightest shade if pink on her cheeks.

I chuckled. "Its fine. You just have to learn how to balance yourself."

I placed her on the skate board. But I had her stand only on he front. I grabbed her hand. He looked at me weirdly. "Do you wanna fall off?" She shook her head and faced ahead of her towards the road. And I stood on he back of the skateboard, still holding her hand. I pushed off and kept reassuring Lexi that everything will back alright.

I could feel the cold breeze on my chest. I didn't mind. But it was a relief to do something fun for a change. All week, Lexi had been making me do research nonstop.


"Lexi don't do that!" After about an hour, Lexi got the drift. But she kinda got too confident. She tried to do a kick flip. That isn't for beginners. Yet she is stubborn. She won't listen to me.

I ran to her so she couldn't hurt her self. But I was a too late. She had jumped in the air and she had landed right on her foot. Very hard. She dropped to the ground. And clutched onto her ankle.

"Oh my god!" I ran to her side. She was crying uncontrollably. She was rocking back and forth holding her ankle.

"I-I think I broke my ankle." She said between sobs. I cradled her in my arms, with my hand on her back and my other hand under her knees, and stood up. I brought her to my truck as fast as I could without hurting her. I set her down in the passenger seat.

"What a-are you doing?" Her eyes were bloodshot and her hands were trembling.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

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