31. Wake up

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~Lexi's P.O.V~

"No, I'm not gonna get in on it." I crossed my arms over my chest, "I don't feel like loosing twenty bucks."

"Fine." Austin gave in.

I looked over to Ethen, he still hasn't gave in, "well?"

He grumbled," fine. But, your loss of twenty bucks."

I looked around the court to see Malory walking towards our bench. I sat up straight with a smile on my face.

She smirked and sat down next to me. "So, what did you say?"

"I said no."

"Yes!" Austin yelled. Ethen hit his four head on the table.

Austin grabbed the $20 off the table, kissed it and shoved it in his pocket. "Dude, do you know where that money had been? It could have been in some strippers bra." I exclaimed.

"Even better." He smiled, showing his white teeth.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Malory. "So where's Jesse?"

"Oh, I left him in the light booth in the auditorium. He looked a little," she thought for the right words to say, "breathless."

"Crap." Ethen grumbled.

"What?" Malory and I said in unison.

"Did it look like he was holding his breath?" Ethen questioned Malory.

She shook her head. Ethen stood up and started walking in the same direction Malory came from. "Where are you going?" I asked.

Ethen continued to power walk, Austin stood up and stopped, "its an anxiety thing. Jesse holds his breath and passes out because he's scared to let the fear in." He finished and ran behind Ethen.

Malory and I followed soon after.

When we arrived at the light booth, Ethen and Austin were already hoisting an unconscious Jesse.

Malory and I gasped.


"Jesse Michelson?" The nurse opened the curtains and waved us to go in Jesse's room.

"That's what his last name is?" I questioned Ethen.

He smirked and nodded his head. "He hates it, he doesn't like for people to know his 'secret identity.'"

I chuckled and got up from my seat, to be pulled back down. I landed on Ethen's lap. He wrapped his arms around my body. "Let them two go in."

I nodded and bounced up and down.

Ethen grunted and let me go. I took advantage of it, and got off his lap and sat in my original seat.

"What was that for?"

"I don't like sitting on peoples laps. Feels like I'm at Santa's workshop."

"And what's so bad about that?" He turned in his seat to face his body towards me.

"Its creepy, Santa comes all the way from the north pole, just to have little boys and girls sit on his lap and wet themselves." I scrunched up my face.

"Were you one of those kids?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No, but my sister was, and got us kicked out of the mall."

He laughed.

"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" I asked about Jesse.

"He's gonna be fine. He just needs to rest a little."

"So, I take it this has happened a lot before."

He nodded his head.

"This is the main reason he's been single for a long time. Like me he didn't want to fall for someone who will eventually break his heart."

"I will never do that to you. I hope you know that. I'm not one to hurt people emotionally."

"Noted." He smiled.

I smiled and brought my lips to his.

What a wonderful world.

~Malory's P.O.V~

As I walked into Jesse's room, even though he was unconscious, he flinched. As if knowing that I was in his presence.

I mentaly winced, knowing that I caused that.

Austin followed right behind me and sat down in one of the chairs.

Austin shook Jesse telling him to wake up. "Don't." I told him.

But was useless because Jesse's eyes started to flutter open. He looked around his surroundings, his eyes landed with Austin's. "Where am I?"

"Your in the nurses office. You passed out? Do you remember?" Austin asked quietly.

Jesse shook his head no, and laid his head back on the pillow. I started to realize that he didn't see me in the room.

"All I remember is asking Mal out. Did she say yes?" His face lit up.

"No, but you did it again."

"Did what?"

"Fell for a girl. You said that you were never gonna do that again, not after Danica. You were unconscious for three days. You have to stop doing this to yourself."

Jesse nodded his head.

I slowly and as quietly as humanly possible tried to sneek out of the room.

Austin looked up at me when I dropped papers out of my bookbag. His eyes went wide.

I picked up my papers, looked up at Jesse, who wasn't even paying attention to me. I sighed and left the room.

What a horrible world.

Hey guys, up there is a picture of Malory.
Thanks guys for all the views and support.
I hoped you enjoyed and have a great day.
Love y'all!

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