22. Snap Like Thunder

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~Ethen's POV~

Seeing my father at my house made me go nuts, I started yelling, and probably scared Lexi. I didn't like it when she told Cody that she was Bianca, he could have done something to her because I told him that I loved her. I can't be putting anyone in a situation where they could get hurt. I just can't.

I don't know if I made a mistake telling her my biggest secret, but I can't take it back now. But what if she tells the others, will they believe her? Will they think that I'm a freak, or will they believe her and ditch me because I didn't tell them but I told Lexi? Ugh, what's wrong with me?

"Dude, snap out of it." I looked over to see Jesse snapping in front of my face.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"You did it again."

"I know." I sighed.

"You need to get a handle on that. You just can't black out in the middle of something important."

"I can't help it. When I think of something other that what I'm listening to or talking about, I zone out." I explained.

"What if you are in a job interview, and you do that? Your probably not gonna get that job. You were just driving, what if you hadn't waited until you parked to black out? How are you gonna control it?" Jesse asked unbuckling his seat belt.

"I don't know."

We walked out of my car and into the school. We were greeted by the others at the lockers. "Hey Jes, Ethen." Austin greeted. "You don't have a nickname. You need one."

I shook my head, "why do I need a nickname? Isn't Ethen enough?"

He shook his head and continued thinking. "Ya I got nothing."

"Told you." I said walking to my own locker and grabbed my stuff for homeroom. "You can't shorten it."

"Just wait, I bet you that by the end of the day, I will have a new nickname for you." Austin said walking backwards and into a classroom.


"Oh. No. You. Didn't!" Lexi yelled reaching for her phone that Austin stole.

"Oh. Yes. I. Did!" Austin used the same tone Lexi used.

"Give me it back!"

"Nope, not until you sing it." He raised his hand higher.

"Not at lunch."

"Then no phone for you. Ooo, do you have a password on your phone?" He smirked.


"Even better." He smiled.

"What are you gonna do? Please don't disable it, I don't know how to undo it." She wined.

"Then sing it." He smirked.

She sighed and closed her eyes,

"I don't know if your looking at me or not
You probably smile like that all the time
I don't mean to bother you but
I couldn't just walk by and not say hi

And I know your name
Cause everyone here knows your name
Your not looking for anything right now
So I don't wanna come on strong
Don't get me wrong

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