12. Freddy's

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~Ethen's POV~

When we got to the hospital the nurse rushed over to us seeing as how Lexi was screaming because I accidentally set her down on her bad foot too hard.

They took her into a room and made me wait out in the waiting room.

I had to wait out there for about an hour before the nurse said it was ok that I came in. I walked in the room and saw Lexi's leg wrapped up and lifted in a sling. She laid on the bed looking very uncomfortable. When she noticed I came in she tried to sit up but instantly winced from the pain. "How are you feeling?" I asked sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Fine. Except for the broken ankle." She answered sighing.

"I called the guys to let them know that you are here. And they said that they are gonna go pick up Malory and bring her here with them."

"Do they even know where she lives?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ya, Jesse does." Jesse and Malory have gotten close over the past week. But she had made it clear that she doesn't want to date anyone at the moment.

"Okay. So did the nurse say if I could go home yet?" She picked her head up off the pillow. Her eyes weren't bloodshot anymore. And she had bags under her eyes from crying.

"No she didn't say anything. Want me to go ask her?" I asked standing up ready to go ask the nurse.

"If you don't mind" she said laying her head back on her pillow.

I walked out of her room to go find the nurse when I ran into a person. "Oh my god. I'm sorry." I stood up from falling on the floor. I held my hand out to help the person off the floor. It was a women. She looked maybe late Teens or even early twenties.

"Its ok." She took my hand and I lifted her up off the ground. She squealed. Not expecting my sudden strength. I smirked.

"Hey. I'm Ethen Wolfe." I held out my hand for her to shake.

"Jessica Pittman. How do you do?" She shook my hand. Oohh, fancy.

"I do good. You?" She giggled.

"Dandy." Her face was beat red. She looked nice. Her red hair was down and curly. She wore a tight skirt and a baggy white button up shirt.

"So. Jessica, do you have a boyfriend?" I smiled letting her know that I was into her.

"Actually I do. He's here. He pulled his rotator cuff. So if you don't mind. I should be going." She stepped aside, and walked down the hall.

Well then. I got to step up my game.

~Lexi's POV~

'What's taking so long?' I thought to myself. Ethen had been gone for almost 15 minutes. I don't wanna be alone in a hospital room too long. I don't know if its then fact that so many people died here, but I'm scared of hospitals. And being alone in hospital rooms. I mean, who know how many people died in this room.

Just thinking about it made shivered go up and down my back. Ethen finally came back in the room. 'About time' I thought to myself.

"The nurse said that you are free to go, but you have to come see her before you leave so she can give you your pain killers." He sat down in the chair he was sitting in earlier.

"What's got you spooked?" He asked after taking in my facial features.

"This place. I'm kinda scared of hospitals. So the sooner we get out of here the better."

"But Mal and the guys are coming over soon" he pointed to the door. I forgot about that. Ugh. Just means that I have to stay here longer than I had hoped.

"Can't you call them now so they can just head to a restaurant and we meet up with them there?" I pleaded.

"Ugh. Ok. Just give me a second." He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. I smiled. I didn't want to spend another second in this place. I tried to untangle my foot from the sling. Like I said, tried.

Ethen hoped up and over to my sling and grabbed my wrists and lowered them to my sides. He lifted my leg lightly and looked over to me to make sure he wasn't hurting me. He moved the sling so when he set my foot down, it wouldn't get caught in it again.

"Hey. Where are you guys?" He talked into the phone after securing me onto my feet and handing me my crutches that were proper up on the wall.

"Go to Freddy's. We are leaving the hospital now. We'll meet you guys there." He hung up before waiting for an answer. "Ready?"

"Ya." We headed down to the front desk and talked to the nurse and she handed me my pills that I have to take daily. Hoped in his truck and threw my crutches in the back after struggling to make them fit in the front.

"Who's Freddy?" I asked after buckling up and he started to drive.

"Freddy's. Its a restaurant." He said after turning the radio off.


We got to Freddy's in about 20 minutes. But it seemed longer. With out the radio on, it was dead silent.

Ethen hopped out of his door and grabbed my crutches from the back and jogged to me. I opened the door and he grabbed my waist and lifted me up and very gently set me on the ground and handing me my crutches.

"Thanks." I said.

"Don't mention it." That line brought back memory's of Tim. When I thanked him for driving me home. And then he kissed me. No matter what I do i can never get that night out of my head. Not that I like him, I don't, its just that he was one person one day, and another the next.

"Oh my gosh! What happened? Are you ok? And why was I, your best friend, the last person to know that you were in the hospital?" Malory ran up to me from leaning against Austin's car.

"Skateboarding accident. Yeah. And because I was in too much pain, so Ethen was the one who was doing all the calling." I answered.

She hugged me then quickly pulled away. "Sorry. Did I hurt you?" She looked down at my injury.

"Did u hug my ankle?" She shook her head in a duh expression.

"Then no, you didn't hurt me." The boys chuckled at us.

She shot them a death glare.

I laughed along with the boys. Then they leaded us into the diner. We chose a large booth. Ethen helped me into my seat. He grabbed my crutches and proper them against the wall. Malory sat on one side of me and Ethen on the other.

I felt safe. But as always, something had to ruin my day, yet again.

It all happened so fast. I barley had time to react. And before I knew it, I was covered in a chocolate milkshake.

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